Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What war ended in 1945? | WWII | 99%
Name one of the three "countries" that make up Great Britain. | England | Scotland | Wales | 98%
In what country do most of the world's kangaroos live? | Australia | 97%
What is the main ingredient in an omelette? | Eggs | 96%
What is the capital of France? | Paris | 96%
Which planet is closest to the Sun? | Mercury | 95%
What is the last name of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie? | Simpson | 95%
How many does it take to tango? | Two | 95%
What type of person uses a stethoscope? | Doctor or nurse | 94%
What cartoon character is Disney's mascot? | Mickey Mouse | 94%
What is the term for a creature with the top half of a woman and the bottom half of a fish? | Mermaid | 93%
Name one of the seven deadly sins. | Wrath | Greed | Sloth | Pride | Gluttony | Envy | Lust | 91%
Lima is the capital of what country? | Peru | 90%
What is the Spanish word for "hello"? | Hola | 89%
What word is the opposite of melt? | Freeze | 87%
An ambassador is often addressed as "your excellency". A duke is addressed as "your grace". How does one address the Queen of England? | Your {majesty} | 86%
Fill in the blank: How much ____ would a ____chuck chuck if a ____chuck could chuck _____? | Wood | 84%
What animated movie featured Bugs Bunny and Michael Jordan? | Space Jam | 73%
The mandible is the medical term for which part of the body? | Jaw | 69%
What can have pistils and stamens? | Flowers | 66%
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