
Major non-NATO U.S. Allies

There are 19 countries which have been designated a "major non-NATO ally" by the United States. How many can you name?
Source: Wikipedia
Country in red is a de-facto ally only
Quiz by BobSaget
Last updated: October 18, 2023
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First submittedJuly 10, 2012
Times taken32,284
Average score68.4%
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South Korea
New Zealand
Level 65
Dec 19, 2013
Some of these you just assume are already members. It baffles me to see them as allies only
Level 78
Dec 20, 2013
I'm not sure what you're referring to. All of these countries are officially listed as Non-NATO US Allies. It's an actual designation by act of US Congress.
Level 73
Aug 4, 2021
He means he expected them to be full NATO members by now.
Level 75
Oct 19, 2023
Agreed, but the confusing thing about that is which of these would you expect to see as full NATO members? The only one I can see a real argument for is Morocco.
Level 40
Dec 12, 2023
Australia for example
Level 59
Dec 13, 2023
Which part of the North Atlantic do you think Australia is in?
Level 62
Dec 13, 2023
Hungary and Czech Republic, for e.g., are landlocked, so that doesn't seem to be much of a requirement.
Level 34
Dec 16, 2023
The North Atlantic Treaty specifies that it covers Europe and North America.
Level 81
Dec 29, 2013
Got everything except Thailand but the time limit was pretty generous. Most were easy to guess... took me a while to get Argentina.
Level 76
Aug 16, 2021
I have no idea what the point of this "designation" is. Does anybody know? If a war breaks out, the Americans will wade in if they think it's in their interest, and stay away if it is not.
Level 81
Aug 18, 2021
Level 54
Feb 28, 2014
I'm a little surprised that Singapore is not on here.
Level 28
Mar 19, 2014
It's a city state, so I'm not super surprised.

The only real surprise to me was Morrocco.

Level 54
Jul 7, 2014
Even though it's a city state, they have large and modern military in comparison to their size.
Level 75
Aug 17, 2021
Morocco is America’s oldest ally, since 1786
Level 76
Feb 22, 2023
They were the one of the first countries to recognize the United States' independence.
Level 68
Aug 18, 2021
What about the baguette eaters?
Level 77
Oct 19, 2023
Contrary to popular belief, the baguette eaters are in NATO.
Level 73
Sep 24, 2021
Idk, they did sacrifice a lot for the Americans, successfully screwing up their country for a century
Level 77
May 9, 2024
Morocco is one of the most stable countries in Africa and one with the highest standards of living. Not sure what they supposedly screwed up there.
Level 58
Apr 12, 2022
Singapore was reportedly given an offer but declined it.
Level 90
Oct 19, 2023
Makes sense. They play a balance game with China and the West.
Level 56
Apr 1, 2014
I'm very surprised there are ANY Muslim countries besides Afghanistan here. Especially those against Israel (Egypt and Jordan). Yet no European countries which are more likely to become NATO members.
Level 54
Jul 7, 2014
The governments of Jordan and Egypt are not anti-Israel, as they both have peace treaties and they are not hostile towards each other.
Level 45
Oct 19, 2023
...that they signed in 1987
Level 68
Aug 16, 2021
There are Muslim countries that are anti-Israel, and Muslim countries that are US allies. Every Muslim country on the list is at peace with Israel.
Level 90
Oct 19, 2023
Unlike NATO, the Major Non-NATO Ally designation is not a multilateral alliance but just each country allied unilaterally with the US. The MNNTs aren’t bound to assist each other and even the US is not bound to assist MNNTs, unlike NATO. So having Israel as MNNT alongside Muslim countries that doesn’t like it is not a conflict.
Level 54
Dec 14, 2023
What about Pakistan?

Don't even recognize Israel

Level 81
Aug 18, 2021
A big part of why Jordan and Egypt are on this list is precisely because of those treaties they signed with Israel.
Level 62
Apr 7, 2020
Not India?
Level 45
Oct 19, 2023
Touchy one. If allied with India you are against Bangladesh and Pakistan. Even 2.2 million people who moved from India to the USA moved for a reason, AND might not be happy with a USA / India pact.
Level 49
Apr 3, 2021
How is Pakistan an ally after they are harboring terrorists? Which country hid Bin Laden? Which country funds Al Qaeda and ISIS?
Level 78
Apr 7, 2021
That's a question for the George W Bush administration.
Level 58
Dec 14, 2023
There's been multiple bills in congress brought up trying to remove Pakistan from the list but I don't think any of them ever made it out of committee
Level 62
Aug 5, 2021
Agreed. I don't really understand how Pakistan is considered an ally at this point...
Level 72
Aug 5, 2021
Especially, more than their activities in support of terrorists, because of their clear alliance with China. At this point in time, whether we acknowledge it or not, the world is most divided between those aligned with China and those aligned with the United States. Muslim terrorists, while not good, are only a distraction.
Level 40
Dec 12, 2023
Not China, but Russia. China really just follows Russia.
Level 78
Aug 4, 2021
NATO existence has no point.
Level 81
Aug 16, 2021
yes it does and we've explained it to you before. You just don't like it because you are stuck on the wrong side of 1999.
Level 68
Aug 16, 2021
Sure it does, to extend and preserve the US govt's influence and coordination in Europe. Amazed that Turkey is still a member though.
Level 40
Dec 12, 2023
you can't kick a member
Level 65
Mar 28, 2022
Do you still feel this way?
Level 78
Oct 19, 2023
Well, it's the largest protection racket in history, so for the racketeers, I guess it does serve a certain purpose.
Level 75
Aug 15, 2021
I think they'll be removing Afghanistan from the list any minute now (Aug 15, 2021).
Level 71
Aug 16, 2021
From the list or from the map? :)
Level 62
Dec 13, 2023
Level 80
Aug 16, 2021
They're certainly not allies with the new administration
Level 53
Aug 16, 2021
Under this administration, the United States will be lucky to have any allies left in 4 years.
Level 65
Aug 16, 2021
Because it was soooo much better under the previous administration... When the US were disregarding every historic allies they had for people like Kim Jong Un...
Level 45
Aug 16, 2021
I was listening to a geopolitical podcast, and they were speculating as to the reason for US withdrawal. One of the underlying reasons was to divert forces to the South China sea.

Not sure if it's the real reason, but I'm guessing given how quickly Afghan forces collapsed, US intelligence knew the consequences of withdrawing, and this is a result they almost certainly saw coming. So the tradeoffs must've been something the Biden administration viewed as necessary to compensate for how bad the current situation looks.

Level 79
Aug 16, 2021
The same thing most likely would have happened even if the US pulled out in 2031, 2041, 2051, or 2061. The US had been there for 20 years and could not stay forever. It is not good that the Afghani government fell so quickly, but at some point the US had to pull the plug. Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires for a reason.
Level 69
Dec 16, 2023
They just needed 20 more years and another trillion dollars.

Then they'd be a developed democratic country of peace and prosperity.

Just like all the other countries in the world.

Level 80
Aug 16, 2021
I meant the new administration in Afghanistan (and by 'they' I meant the U.S.) 😅
Level 60
Aug 16, 2021
no Vietnam?
Level 51
Aug 16, 2021
I wonder how many of these have a collective security agreement equivalent to NATO's article 5. I know ANZUS does and I'd assume Japan does too, but can't imagine it for quite a lot of them.
Level 63
Aug 16, 2021
I imagine that Taiwan and South Korea also have a similar agreement.
Level 59
Aug 16, 2021
Lol we'll see how much longer Afghanistan stays on this list
Level 54
Aug 16, 2021
One of these is gonna change soon...
Level 72
Aug 16, 2021
Well...perhaps two of them. Depends on how this plays out but the next door neighbor there appears to have been quite the safe haven.
Level 77
Aug 16, 2021
i’m not sure if i’m being slow or the title and description are phrased confusingly - i read it as countries that are definitely not allies of nato, ie non-nato allies, and started guessing countries whose regimes the usa might identify as counter to their values, like north korea or saudi arabia. i know i was wrong but could the description offer a little clarification maybe?
Level 65
Aug 16, 2021
Saudi Arabia is also a major ally of the U.S...
Level 75
Aug 18, 2021
This list refers to nations with official classifications as designated by the US Congress
Level 69
Aug 16, 2021
You should probably remove Afghanistan
Level 70
Aug 16, 2021
This is going to need updating. I think we can remove Afghanistan from the list. Was this the reason it was posted today?
Level 71
Aug 16, 2021
The situation in Afghanistan is still pretty chaotic and probably won't be resolved for several months, if not years. The government of President Ghani is still the internationally recognized government, even though he's not even in Afghanistan anymore. The Taliban has taken over the capital by force and proclaimed a new government while simultaneously claiming they seek a peaceful transfer of power. I don't think the Taliban has even officially chosen a leader.

In other words, it's a hot mess, and probably too early to definitively update the quiz. (Also if I got any of that wrong please correct me--it's hard to keep track of everything going on right now.)

Level ∞
Aug 16, 2021
The Taliban might not be the "legitimate" government, but they are clearly in charge now. It's not like there's going to be another invasion to restore the old government. What a mess.
Level 65
Aug 16, 2021
you can knock off Afghanistan from the list
Level 71
Aug 16, 2021
Level 59
Sep 17, 2021
Different government, but it seems the US still recognizes the old regime, and the designation has not yet been revoked
Level 71
Aug 16, 2021
Needless to say the Afghanistan situation is a bit complicated
Level 78
Aug 16, 2021
Granted, given current events, we should take the inclusion of Afghanistan on this list with a grain of salt the size of Kabul. I'm happy to update once the legal designation changes.
Level 60
Aug 16, 2021
Maybe make it 𝘥𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦 an ally, at least until the Islamic Emirate is proclaimed to officially succeed the Republic and maybe sever ties with the US
Level ∞
Aug 16, 2021
I added a caveat there. Crazy that this quiz hit the front page today while Kabul falls to the Taliban.
Level 68
Aug 16, 2021
I thought since when Quizmaster became so sarcastic and featuring this quiz when Kabul fell.
Level 78
Aug 16, 2021
And thanks for the spotlight, QM!
Level 73
Aug 16, 2021
Why isn't Saudi Arabia on this list?
Level 59
Sep 17, 2021
It has not yet been designated as a Major US Non-Nato Ally.

Personally I'm more surprised Vietnam was never designated. I mean obviously during the Cold War it would be a bit controversial but after 1991...

Level 68
Aug 16, 2021
situation is spelled wrong in the description


Level 65
Aug 16, 2021
They put Argentina and Brazil but no Mexico?
Level 57
Aug 17, 2021
Don't think Afghanistan will be on this list for long...
Level 74
Aug 18, 2021
The sitaution of the country in blue is currently incorrectly spelled.
Level 43
Aug 18, 2021
Has anyone mentioned the problems in Afghanistan? ;)
Level 66
Aug 19, 2021
Quizmaster cant remove Afghanistan from all quizzes like this automatically.
Level 64
Aug 19, 2021
Having Afghanistan on this list aged like milk.
Level 68
Feb 1, 2022
Saudi Arabia?
Level 68
Feb 1, 2022
Level 83
Feb 6, 2022
Level 68
Apr 1, 2022
Well I must assume that part of the chart is wrong.
Level 52
Dec 12, 2023
It's an official designation by the Congress, not an opinion of the quiz maker.
Level 49
Mar 24, 2022
soon Finland and Sweden?
Level 76
Jul 3, 2022
They'll be joining NATO proper so they won't be in here.
Level 72
Mar 27, 2022
quiz needs updating as of 2022 colombia and qatar joined the list
Level 65
Jan 12, 2023
Was about to say that too
Level 52
May 31, 2022
I'm surprised none of the non-NATO European countries made it onto the list
Level 69
Oct 13, 2022
Update Afghanistan
Level 22
Jan 21, 2023
Colombia and Qatar now have major-non NATO ally status
Level 72
May 18, 2023
As said before, Colombia and Qatar need to be added. Also, there's a typo in the description.
Level 71
Oct 18, 2023
Missed Philippines and Tunisia
Level 89
Oct 19, 2023
What does this designation mean, in practical terms?
Level 85
Oct 19, 2023
From Wikipedia: "Major non-NATO ally (MNNA) is a designation given by the United States government to countries that have strategic working relationships with the U.S. Armed Forces while not being members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). While the status does not automatically constitute a mutual defense pact (as would be the case through NATO membership) with the United States, it does confer a variety of military and financial advantages that are otherwise unobtainable by non-NATO countries."

Basically, there are countries that are working closely with at least one branch of the US military forces. They also get some benefits from doing so.

Since those benefits are sanctioned by the US government, it employs an official designation for them (Major Non-NATO Ally).

Level 69
Dec 16, 2023
So what, it's like, "we need to give you arms to balance powers in the region. so we'll pick the least-worst & call you a 'designated ally'. now you can buy our stuff at a discount, or free - if you're that undeveloped. and we can proclaim to our constituents that it's legal and in our interest to move arms (and in some cases men/ships) at volume"

Because some of these don't make any sense in the traditional term of "ally" / "allegiance", like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Taiwan, Argentina, Israel, etc.

Set aside Afghanistan. AFAIK Pakistan's #1 enemy is India, and there's no way their worth combined would even approach attracting the US to involve itself between 2 nuclear-armed barely-functional countries (especially in support of Pakistan in that situation). I think their #2 enemy is Pakistan/a coup. And maybe #3 the US.

Maybe it's some legal loophole where you can't export 500 tanks to just anyone, or have US men doing state-related tasks on foreign soil without certain approval.

Level 49
Dec 12, 2023
Ukraine not being listed seems wild
Level 70
Dec 12, 2023
Colombia is an ally? They sure send us some nice drugs.
Level 42
Dec 12, 2023
How is Brazil a U.S. ally?
Level 76
May 23, 2024
Kenya's been added! (almost)
Level 69
May 25, 2024
Yep, awaiting the new addition very soon…
Level 82
Sep 28, 2024
Idek why I tried Iran
Level 65
Dec 6, 2024
Maybe my favourite ever finish to a quiz on here. 2 remaining with 10 seconds to go. Managed to squeeze them in and finish with 3:59 on the clock. Very satisfying.