
10 Plagues of Egypt

Can you name the 10 Plagues of Egypt mentioned in the Bible?
Quiz by llanestomas
Last updated: September 6, 2018
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First submittedMay 15, 2013
Times taken44,167
Average score50.0%
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Death of the Firstborn
Level 68
Jul 31, 2013
easy peasy- finished them all with 2:15 left.
Level 49
Mar 4, 2017
guess what it is not death of Firstborn its death of first son
Level 36
Apr 7, 2019
^ Agree. It's the death of the first born son.
Level 28
Apr 7, 2019
2.22 for me
Level 45
Apr 25, 2020
finished with 2:16 left
Level 31
May 8, 2020
10/10 with 2:25 left
Level 81
Aug 7, 2013
could use a lot of extra type-ins for some of these
Level 62
Jan 11, 2016
Especially for the last one.....
Level 55
May 8, 2017
Not my fault you aren't smart enough to get these right without needing type-ins.
Level 81
Jun 6, 2018
who's talking to you, moron?
Level 77
Apr 2, 2023
Insults, vulgar language, and spam are strictly forbidden
Level 69
Jun 13, 2023
no place for big headed numpty
Level 81
Jun 6, 2018
like for pestilence. So many things could go there.
Level 67
Feb 2, 2021
livestock actually worked as a typein for pestilence. I must have typed in locust 10 times and never thought to try locusts though, so it could use a few more typeins
Level 78
Jun 10, 2021
I tried to put variations of "blocked out the sun", didn't think to just put darkness lol
Level 73
Oct 24, 2013
Had a bit of a temper, didn't he?
Level 45
May 27, 2014
He was showing the Israelites that He is God. The only God. All the plagues were actually aimed toward a different Egyptian god, showing that He is the only God, and the false gods of the Egyptians were just that-false!
Level 85
Jun 18, 2023
He could have made that point after the first plague. Hardening Pharaoh's heart so that the Egyptians would have to suffer through 10 plagues was kind of a dick move.
Level 18
Sep 19, 2018
If you do some research, each of the 10 plagues were based on different Egyptian deities. ie: the god of crops, water, etc. The reason God did these was to prove that He was God over all the Egyptian gods
Level 70
Oct 4, 2018
If he's meant to be omnipotent couldn't he have just used his omnipotence to make whoever he was trying to prove himself to know he existed? Surely he wouldn't need to do all that stuff. He could just remove all memory of the Egyptian gods from everyone's memories, thereby getting rid of all knowledge of them.
Level 63
Jun 14, 2023
And that way's not as fun
Level 82
Mar 30, 2021
Because it's a story of a process, the same as any transition from minor or pre-existing religion into Christianity.
Level 74
May 24, 2019
There's quite a lot in the Pentateuch to suggest that Moses actually worshipped a volcano...

Level 4
Mar 18, 2014
Good quiz. Haven't studied these since I was in middle school, possibly earlier. Reminds me of the film Prince of Egypt, a film which I loved despite its inaccuracy of Christian mythology. I went to private school for the first seven grades, by the way. I am no longer a Christian (I am an agnostic deist), but I still find this interesting. As I do the beliefs and stories of many other religions. A truly fascinating topic.
Level 51
Mar 30, 2015
i found the prince of egypt to be fairly accurate, compared to others. i heard a talk by a rabbi and he estimated that it was about 80% accurate. except the whole pharao/moses brother thing. but with the plagues and stuff...
Level 81
Jan 11, 2016
my Muslim colleague who watched the film was most bothered by the part where Moses allowed women to walk in front of him.
Level 50
Feb 14, 2020
Yup, all I could think of was Prince of Egypt for most of my guesses.
Level 70
Jul 9, 2014
I learned it as plague on the cattle. Got it after trying livestock, so I'm grateful that's in there. But I think a lot of people call it "cattle".


Level ∞
Aug 26, 2015
Cattle will work now
Level 51
Mar 30, 2015
flies? i am jewish and have heard about the 10 plagues since i'm about 4, so 25 years, and never have i heard that it was anything but wild animals...
Level 62
Mar 25, 2016
It has various translations.
Level 66
Apr 21, 2015
Making seder helps, glad I actually paid attention :P
Level 22
Oct 9, 2015
Wasn't it death of the eldest son, not the eldest child?
Level 36
Jul 5, 2017
Yes, it was the death of the eldest son. But that was probably because female children were held in such low esteem that killing them would have meant nothing to the Egyptians.
Level 44
Jun 15, 2023
This is simply not an accurate portrayal of Ancient Egyptian gender roles. Even though they did fluctuate over 5000 years of history, in general daughters were absolutely valued and were able to inherit, make money, and choose their life partners (outside of the nobility where likely nobody had a choice)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2016
You should see the spring migration of locusts in Egypt. It is so scary, they just cover everything. They look like a huge black cloud and they keep hitting everything as they are flying. I witnessed that once or twice. But they were just migrating nothing to worry about.
Level 90
Jan 11, 2016
So let it be let it be kill the first born Pharaoh son...I'm Creeping Death!
Level 81
Feb 8, 2019
Ha! Just saw them a few days ago and they played that... only reason I got 5 instead of 2 of these.
Level 74
Jan 11, 2016
I don't understand. I kept trying every spelling of Justin Bieber I could come up with and none of them worked.
Level 85
Oct 2, 2016
Level 81
Jun 6, 2018
Justin Bieber gained notoriety in 2008 and was obviously God's punishment for us allowing Michael Bay to make a Transformers movie. It had nothing to do with ancient Egypt.
Level 27
Aug 28, 2018
Actually, his EP dropped in late 2009, after Revenge of the Fallen came out, which was partially set in ancient Egypt (since it's all ancient). So it's really booooooooooooooooooth wooooooooooo!!! I hate that I know this now, thanks for making me look it up jerk :p
Level 49
Jun 11, 2020
Amen, Kal.
Level 35
Jan 11, 2016
How about accepting crickets or grasshoppers for locusts?
Level 28
Jan 12, 2016
I remember learning these. I must've not paid attention
Level 51
Jan 13, 2016
Can you not accept Locust for locusts? its just an 's' for goodness sakes
Level 68
Jan 13, 2017
And one locust makes a plague????!
Level 74
Sep 8, 2018
If it's a big enough locust. :)
Level 74
Dec 23, 2018
Like if it was Stay Puft size?
Level 74
Jan 21, 2019
Actually, if it's just one then doesn't that make it a grasshopper rather than a locust?
Level 32
Sep 11, 2016
Very strict quiz...should be able to use angel of death for the last one...
Level 85
Oct 2, 2016
Incessant vuvuzelas was on stand-by at #11 if needed. :-)
Level 51
May 8, 2017
I finished with 9 minutes left and I am -12 years old and worship the flying spaghetti monster.
Level 15
Jun 2, 2017
Level 74
Sep 4, 2018
And lo, the FSM did send upon the kitchen a rain of spaghetti sauce and, further, a hail of linguine, whilst all the time tormenting Phil betwixt his ears with incessant repetitions of I'm the Makkeda Daddy
Level 68
Sep 5, 2019
Praise his noodly appendage! R’amen.
Level 73
Jan 26, 2018
I am currently reading through Exodus as part of my quest to read the Bible chronologically in a year. Otherwise I would not have remembered, say, gnats and flies. Not all of the plagues are as memorable as the death of the first born sons, the locusts and boils, or turning the Nile to blood.

"You shall say to him, ‘The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you, saying, “Let My people go, that they may serve Me in the wilderness. But behold, you have not listened until now.” Thus says the Lord, “By this you shall know that I am the Lord: behold, I will strike the water that is in the Nile with the staff that is in my hand, and it will be turned to blood. The fish that are in the Nile will die, and the Nile will become foul, and the Egyptians will find difficulty in drinking water from the Nile.”’”

Level 71
Sep 8, 2018
And people still say god is good?
Level 74
Sep 14, 2018
if you read the bible, you will very quickly find that:

1. It's hilarious

2. God is obviously the bad guy

Level 55
Sep 8, 2018
I can't believe that ligma wasn't on here. "For each one shall be diseased with ligma."
Level 70
Sep 9, 2018
Old Testament god makes some pretty heavy handed points.

Boils or the killing of first born sons could easily be replaced with something akin to making all meat taste like sauceless Arby's or having everyone sound like Piers Morgan.

Pharoah would have packed the Israelites' bags himself and upgraded them to business class after 30 minutes of that.

Level 25
Nov 16, 2018
Go them all with 2:09 to spare.
Level 26
Dec 19, 2022
Luckily, I read the Bible (and it is easy to name them if you read Exodus). God did try to teach the Egyptians a lesson but the pharaoh didn't learn his lesson (even though he let the Israelites go) which caused to his death after Moses un- platted the sea wen he got to the other side using his staff - which can turn into a snake thanks to the Lord.
Level 46
May 12, 2023
Dangit missed Pestilence and hail X(
Level 71
Jun 13, 2023
Please accept "swarms"
Level 65
Jun 13, 2023
"kill the baby" should be accepted as a type-in
Level 82
Jun 15, 2023
Someone should really update this.

- Zombies

- Covid-19

- Graffiti

- Chat-GPT

- Pop-up ads

- MAGA hats

- Daily Mail sidebar of shame

- E-scooters

- Baby Shark

- Fast food

Or something like that.

Level 66
Jun 16, 2023
I don't remember half of these from the Movie.
Level 80
Oct 30, 2023
Minus the last one, it sounds a lot like life with preschoolers...