Movie | Quote | Word | % Correct |
The Terminator | "I'll be ____." | back | 93%
Forrest Gump | "My Mama always said, 'Life was like a box of ____; you never know what you're gonna get.'" | chocolates | 93%
Taxi Driver | "You ____ to me? You ____ to me? | talkin' | 82%
Frankenstein | IT'S ____!" | ALIVE | 78%
Top Gun | "I feel the need... the need for ____!" | speed | 77%
Psycho | "A boy's best friend is his ____." | mother | 70%
The Empire Strikes Back | "Do, or do not. There is no ____." | 'try' | 68%
Goldfinger | "No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to ____!" | die | 67%
A League of Their Own | "There's no crying in ____!" | baseball | 66%
King Kong | "Oh, no. It wasn't the airplanes. It was ____ killed the Beast." | Beauty | 63%
The Lion King | "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or ____ from it." | learn | 61%
The Shawshank Redemption | "Get busy ____, or get busy dying." | living | 58%
The Princess Bride | "As you ____." | wish | 57%
Cool Hand Luke | "What we've got failure to ____." | communicate | 52%
Meet the Parents | "I have ____, Greg. Could you milk me?" | nipples | 46%
On the Waterfront | "I coulda had class. I coulda been a ____." | contender | 43%
Who Framed Roger Rabbit | "I'm not bad. I'm just ____ that way." | drawn | 43%
Shrek | "And in the morning, I'm making ____!" | waffles | 43%
Airplane! | "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit ____." | amphetamines | 34%
Animal House | "Was it over when the ____ bombed Pearl Harbor?" | Germans | 30%
Blade Runner | "All those moments will be lost in time... like ____ in the rain." | tears | 27%
Mutiny on the Bounty | "I'll take my chance against the law. You'll take yours against the ___." | sea | 12%
Fargo | "And I guess that was your ____ in the wood chipper." | accomplice | 8%
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | "When the legend becomes fact, ____ the legend." | 3%
| |
Casablanca | "I think you killed a man. It's the ____ in me..." | Romantic | 3%