Unity, Black Flag, Brotherhood
Assassins Creed
Reach, Guardians, Combat Evolved
Black, Pearl, Leafgreen, Soulsilver
Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City
Grand Theft Auto
Black Ops, Advanced Warfare, Ghost
Call of Duty
Asylum, Origins, City
Arkham Series
Freeplay, Pets, Island Paradise
The Sims
Twilight Princess, Four Swords, Skyward Sword
Legend of Zelda
Jungle Beat, Country Returns, Barrel Blast
Donkey Kong
Twinsanity, Mind over Mutant, Nitro Kart
Crash Bandicoot
The Precursor Legacy, The Lost Frontier, X: Combat Racing
Jak and Daxter
Up your Arsenal, Locked and Loaded, A Crack in Time
Ratchet and Clank
Brawl, Melee, 3DS and Wii U
Super Smash Bros.
Deadly Alliance, Gold, Deception
Mortal Kombat
The World Warrior, 3rd Strike, New Generation
Street Fighter
Colors, Generations, Lost World
Legends, Origins, Raving Rabbids
Skyrim, Oblivion, Morrowind
The Elder Scrolls
Canvas Curse, Squeak Squad, Triple Deluxe