Quizzes by LukeD

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user LukeD.
# of Quizzes 51
# Subscribers 9
Times taken 165,579
Quizmaker Rank # 309
134,1052013-07-13Impossible Quiz - Fast Typing to 50
3,8422013-07-166/26 Countries that start with F
3,3192013-07-154/26 Countries that start with D
2,4562013-07-168/26 Countries that start with H
2,2732013-07-1610/26 Countries that start with J
2,1742013-07-1722/26 Countries that start with V
2,0742013-07-1618/26 Countries that start with R
1,9242013-07-1726/26 Countries that start with Z
1,4892013-07-1725/26 Countries that start with Y
1,4272013-07-15Countries that are bigger than India
1,4012013-07-1617/26 Countries that start with Q
8492013-07-1611/26 Countries that start with K
7922013-07-169/26 Countries that start with I
7912013-07-14European Countries anagrams
6252013-07-13Wimbledon Men's Singles Champions
4392013-07-12Cities by Bridge
4042013-07-15Boxing Weight Categories for the 2012 London Olympics
3952013-10-25Impossible Quiz - Fast Typing to 500
3512013-07-1615/26 Countries that start with O
3012013-07-1410 longest mountain ranges in the world
2572013-07-15Countries that share a border with China
2322013-07-13Car Brands
2272013-07-1614/26 Countries that start with N
2182013-07-152/26 countries that start with B
2102013-07-167/26 Countries that start with G
2082013-07-1720/26 Countries that start with T
1902013-07-1616/26 Countries that start with P
1862013-07-1719/26 Countries that start with S
1812013-07-1612/26 Countries that start with L
1772013-07-161/26 countries that start with A
1772014-10-1921/26 Countries that start with U
1682013-07-165/26 Countries that start with E
1662013-07-173/26 Countries that start with C
1552013-07-18What's the Pattern?
1522013-07-1613/26 Countries that start with M
1422013-07-0910 largest islands in the world
1352013-07-171/4 Chemical Elements starting with A-F
1202013-07-05Worlds Tallest Skyscrapers 2013
902013-07-1410 longest rivers in the world
902013-07-15Rhyming Answers Trivia
862013-07-173/4 Chemical Elements starting with M-S
802013-07-08Days of the week backwards
792013-07-13Countries that end in -stan
672013-07-08Months of the Year backwards
632013-07-172/4 Chemical Elements starting with G-L
602013-07-13Countries (A-M) that end in -ia
542013-07-14The Fastest Things
532013-07-13Countries (N-Z) that end in -ia
522013-07-174/4 Chemical Elements starting with T-Z
382013-07-1723/26 Countries that start with W
352013-07-1724/26 Countries that start with X