Star Wars Characters

I don't own ANYTHING star wars (No copy right intended)
Quiz by RedRock2017
Last updated: January 5, 2014
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First submittedJanuary 5, 2014
Times taken1,516
Average score63.0%
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Jedi known as the negotiator
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Clone commander of the above
The chosen one
Anakin Skywalker
Clone Captain of the above
Grand Master of the Jedi
Bounty hunter slayer/ killed by chosen one
Mace Windu
Bounty Hunter Killed by the above
Jango Fett
Jedi Master who was killed in an epic "duel to the fates"
Qui-Gon Jinn
Epic Sith Lord Killed by a Padawan, but came back seaking revenge
Darth Maul
Grand Master of the Sith. Also killed by the chosen one
Darth Sidious
Willy Wonkas dad? Wait wrong movie
Count Dooku
He should really have that cough checked out
General Grievous
The Chosen one's dark side. More machine than man
Darth Vader
They use to be clones/ named after Nazi soilders
He's one hairy dude/ Co-Captain of the Millenium Falcon
The other Co-Captain of the Falcon
Han Solo
Son of The Chosen one. He was kissed by his sister
Luke Skywalker
Daughter of the chosen one. She kissed her brother
Leia Skywalker
Bounty Hunter that's better than his dead father
Boba Fett
Dragon like Bounty Hunter.
Sassy astromech droid
Best friend of the above/ Built by a young chosen one
Obi-Wans Astromech droid
Jedi killed on Mygeeto during Execute order 66
Ki adi mundi
Jedi Killed by the dark lord of the sith and has spikes on his head
Eeth Koth
Squid like jedi with a sweet accent
Kit Fisto
Twi'lek killed during order 66
aayla secura
Level 33
May 25, 2014
What about Wicket the Ewok, Jabba the Hutt, and Jar Jar Binks the gungan?
Level 20
Jul 14, 2014
I try to pretend that Jar Jar Binks doesn't exist… Wicket and Jabba I just didn't add
Level 32
Jan 13, 2015
Actually, the Jedi with spikes on his head that was killed by the dark lord wasn't Eeth Koth, it was Agen Kolar.
Level 65
Aug 7, 2016
Actually, most Stormtroopers still ARE clones of Jango Fett, however they are not Clone Troopers. And not all of them are even clones! Many are human militia, recruited rather than bred. Also, the Empire had, by Revenge of the Sith (I guess that would make it the Republic), begun making clones of new templates, on other worlds, in order to secure a consistent supply of troops for battle.
Level 40
Jan 13, 2017
Agen Kolar, not Eeth koth, also dumb clues for count dooku and grievous. Other than that, very nice.
Level 75
Apr 2, 2022
Multiple mistakes. Could you also accept just Maul and Dooku instead of having to type 'count'?
Level 37
Nov 8, 2022
Be more specific but good quiz