I loved this game so so much... and while it's been 20 years since I played it I'm still disappointed that I only got 28 right. I couldn't remember any of the Turks and I kept trying the Returners for the rebel group... realizing after the quiz was over that this was from Final Fantasy VI. Most satisfying gaming experience of my life was finishing this game... beating Sephiroth... and then promptly playing it over 5 more times... finishing off Jade and Ruby Weapon... good times.
Yeah, this game was awesome back in the day. I have replayed it since then, and while the graphics are pretty hard on the eyes now, the rest of the game holds up fairly well. This was the last Final Fantasy game I really completely enjoyed. The latter games aren't all bad but they're just different in a way that doesn't really appeal to me.
I missed Marlene, Omega Weapon, and Holy. I remembered Barrett's adopted daughter but I couldn't remember her name. I actually only remembered four of the Weapons but was able to guess two more. And I knew there was a White Materia to counter the Black Materia but couldn't remember the name of the spell it contained.
Don't think I would have done as well (or remembered Dyne's name to try him in the gun-arm slot) if not for the game being re-released for the Switch. The game has held up spectacularly well; my kids quickly became obsessed when I bought it.
I adore the remake trilogy so far (let's hope the final part sticks the landing!) and I also adore how it doesn't replace the original, either. They both exist as their own things, and the original still holds up amazingly