Suggested Quizzes

Based on Mario Enemies.
Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.87964,135
Simpsons Characters Quiz0-4.43144,471
Street Fighter 2 Characters Quiz0-4.1619,993
7 Deadly Sins Quiz0-4.82332,471
Memorable American TV Characters #10-4.1190,859
Original Mortal Kombat Characters0-4.0538,746
American TV Couples Quiz0-4.1883,992
Saved by the Bell Characters Quiz0-3.5427,965
SNL Recurring Characters Quiz0-3.9613,396
Clue Board Game - Rooms, Weapons, and Characters0-4.2952,459
Regions of Countries #10-4.95143,747
Superhero Alter Egos0-4.27140,289
Professions of American TV Characters0-3.9245,171
Islands by Country #10-4.84156,547
Video Game Characters #10-3.97133,919
Cartoon Villains Quiz0-4.41192,064
Sidekicks Quiz0-4.19101,216
Fictional Cities Quiz0-4.2346,316
Characters from Books #10-4.2268,781
Famous Robots and Aliens0-4.4544,078
Characters from Books #20-4.3472,772
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.84365,054
American Sitcom Families Quiz0-4.0442,613
Harry Potter Last Names0-4.63850,104
Movie Couples Quiz0-4.1072,650
Original 151 Pokémon0-4.86685,220
Lost Character Names Quiz0-3.8314,723
Fictional Characters by Country #10-4.2956,674
Movie Characters Quiz #10-4.32197,663
Movie Characters Quiz #20-4.2386,827
Movie Characters Quiz #30-4.2179,070
Memorable American TV Characters #20-3.9331,538
Memorable American TV Characters #30-4.2429,189
Fictional Animals Quiz #10-4.0344,765
Fictional Animals Quiz #20-3.8735,229
Super Smash Brothers Characters0-4.29109,275
Memorable American TV Characters #40-3.8630,118
Memorable American TV Characters #50-3.6928,884
Star Wars Characters0-4.31141,985
Pixar Characters by Picture0-4.1995,786
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.86171,666
Legend of Zelda Games0-4.4335,862
Countries with Four Letters0-4.99362,905
Disney Animated Characters0-4.83557,916
Fictional Characters by U.S. State0-4.0810,956
Family Guy Characters0-4.2855,315
Pokemon Moves Quiz0-3.1147,298
Mario Kart Characters0-4.2879,941
Disney Animated Characters Quiz #20-4.2280,884
Best-Selling Video Game Consoles0-4.69202,700
Disney Feature Films by Characters0-4.41255,676
Pokémon Theme Tune Lyrics0-4.2982,505
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.95446,108
Fairy Tale Characters0-4.1945,077
Main Characters of American TV Shows0-4.1745,124
Movie Villains #10-4.3387,104
Famous Villains #10-4.1067,682
Famous Villains #20-4.0351,434
Famous Villains #30-3.9551,536
American Television Siblings0-4.1055,488
Mythical Lands0-4.1879,472
Generation II Pokémon0-4.2331,762
Character Catchphrases Quiz0-4.3845,094
Archnemesis Quiz0-4.2241,691
List of All Ash Ketchum's Pokémon0-3.9325,678
Bogeymen Quiz0-4.0038,212
Horror Movie Villains0-4.2071,794
Famous Cats0-4.0216,249
Mayors – Fictional and Real0-4.044,471
Muppet Characters0-4.3028,756
Fictional Characters with Alliterative Names #10-3.9535,550
Fictional Characters with Alliterative Names #20-4.0023,548
Sci-Fi Characters0-4.0924,367
Fictional Birds by Picture0-4.1620,671
Fictional Leaders0-4.1119,101
Mario Characters Quiz0-4.70113,665
American TV Shows by Characters0-4.0634,699
Pokémon Types0-4.31190,701
Fictional Organizations Quiz0-4.3023,301
Fictional Military Characters Quiz0-4.2318,459
Disney Villains0-4.24132,144
Lord of the Rings Characters0-4.51100,462
Fictional Geography0-4.2543,906
Video Game Characters #20-3.7847,451
Star Wars Quotes0-4.87145,738
Movie Character to Actor #10-4.2667,955
Movie Character to Actor #20-4.1851,911
Movie Character to Actor #30-3.9945,190
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84319,085
Fictional Couples0-4.0552,800
Random Capital to Country0-4.992,202,262
Movie Character to Actor #40-4.3030,980
TV Character to Actor #10-4.278,998
TV Character to Actor #20-3.776,906
Literary Characters by Last Name0-4.4223,824
American TV Characters by Last Name #10-4.299,917
Movie Characters by Last Name #10-4.1537,477
Pokémon Evolutions - 1st Generation0-4.1260,565
American TV Characters by Last Name #20-4.047,924
Movie Characters by Last Name #20-4.1122,251
Cartoon Characters #10-4.3030,687
Cartoon Characters #20-4.3126,181
Cartoon Characters #30-4.2220,813
Pokémon Real-Life Resemblances0-4.2168,837
Fictional Characters by Picture - A0-4.1472,622
Fictional Characters by Picture - B0-4.0561,899
Fictional Characters by Picture - C0-4.2165,443
Fictional Characters by Picture - D0-4.2158,532
Fictional Characters by Picture - E0-3.8144,702
Fictional Characters by Picture - F0-4.2952,888
Fictional Characters by Picture - G0-4.2270,299
Fictional Characters by Picture - H0-4.1555,577
Fictional Characters by Picture - J0-4.0059,436
Fictional Characters by Picture - L0-4.2666,300
Fictional Characters by Picture - M0-4.1873,130
Fictional Characters by Picture - P0-4.1152,254
Fictional Characters by Picture - R0-4.0061,639
Fictional Characters by Picture - S0-4.1855,037
Fictional Characters by Picture - T0-4.0772,085
Fictional Characters by Picture - W0-4.1864,430
Movie Characters by Clue0-4.0929,227
TV Characters A-Z0-4.0829,479
Movie Characters A-Z0-4.0844,150
American TV and Movie Nicknames0-4.177,588
Word Scramble - U.S. States0-4.94417,613
Random Country to Capital0-4.98740,128
Fictional Billionaires by Picture0-3.9122,662
SpongeBob Characters0-4.1260,519
South Park Characters0-4.1034,281
Characters from Books #30-3.9229,798
Character to Author #10-4.4832,514
Character to Author #20-4.4927,077
TV and Movie Character Creators0-4.6419,601
Songs Sung by Fictional Characters0-3.6215,993
Highest-Rated Players in EA Sports FC0-4.21136,613
Looney Tunes Characters0-4.2527,706
Fictional Characters from California0-4.1013,345
Fictional Characters from New York0-4.0820,377
Fictional Characters from the Midwest by Picture0-3.9617,673
Fictional Characters from Great Britain0-4.1030,620
Fictional Characters by Country #20-3.4930,013
Geographic Groups of Two #10-4.98202,069
Animal Sidekicks0-3.797,222
Fresh Prince of Bel Air Characters0-3.756,704
American TV Moms0-4.259,177
NBA 2K Highest Rated Players0-4.30274,331
Five Biggest Immigrant Groups by Country #10-4.95130,348
One Letter Answers #10-4.4452,955
Top Five Countries By Category #10-4.99365,379
Top Five Countries By Category #20-4.91147,358
Top Five Countries By Category #30-4.88133,461
Characters Played by Multiple Actors0-4.3833,261
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.94324,023
All the Pokémon (#0001 to #1025)0-4.95111,270
Country Chain0-4.90167,137
Fictional Places in Songs0-4.1218,195
Fictional Characters by Picture - N0-3.9638,423
Fictional Characters by Picture - O0-4.2041,751
Countries of Europe - One Minute Sprint0-4.821,069,939
Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies0-4.82243,199
Characters Played by Multiple Actors #20-4.0412,728
Characters Played by Multiple Actors #30-3.5210,130
Minecraft Mobs0-4.86148,009
Pokémon with King in Their Name0-4.6920,182
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.90236,999
Countries, U.S. States, and Capitals by First Two Letters0-4.87399,315
Countries of the World with an Empty Map - Hard Version0-5.00254,206
Most Common U.S. Last Names - Extreme0-4.94135,888
Robin Hood Quiz0-4.007,754
Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time0-4.5572,663
Star Wars Characters by Screen Time0-4.3490,490
Batman Characters by Screen Time0-3.9425,083
Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time0-4.5659,666
Actors by Role #10-4.1220,961
Short Term Memory Test0-4.95157,129
Actors by Role #20-4.2219,189
Countries by First and Last Two Letters0-4.821,451,325
Countries by Emojis0-4.99171,673
Legend of Zelda Trivia0-4.1517,706
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99270,810
Random Flag to Country0-4.99453,194
Random European Flag to Country0-4.84136,950
Word Scramble - Pokémon0-4.1625,974
Pokémon by Picture0-4.2638,341
Name a Valid Country #10-4.99187,943
Random European Capital to Country0-4.97139,302
Name a Valid Country #20-4.97163,903
Name a Valid Country #30-4.98175,411
Name a Valid U.S. State #10-4.93169,053
Random Countries on the World Map0-5.001,203,328
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99261,422
Name a Valid Country #50-4.98130,962
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.93138,743
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98190,536
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00196,773
Name a Valid European Country #10-4.98172,827
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98182,517
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.90175,710
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99155,166
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99189,066