Hint | Answer | % Correct |
8x12: Pool Party Who is Erin's partner in the chicken fight? | Dwight | 72%
2x2: Sexual Harassment What is the hair color of Jim's blow-up doll? | Blonde | 67%
2x11: Booze Cruise Who does Phyllis slow dance with? | 4x11: Survivor ManWhen Jim tries to combine all the birthdays into one party, who's birthday is it actually? | Creed | 61%
2x4: The Fire Ryan expresses that he doesn't want to be "a guy here". Giving an example, he calls Stanley the ________ guy | Crossword | 61%
5x24: Heavy Competition When Dwight takes his clothes off to prove to Michael he's not wearing a wire, what color is his underwear? | Green | 61%
1x3: Healthcare What animal does Dwight suggest will eat you because "there's no healthcare in the wild"? | Lion | 61%
2x10: Christmas Party Toby gets Angela a poster of babies playing an instrument. What instrument are they playing? | Saxophone | 61%
5x2: Weight Loss: Part 2 What event did Ryan "never really process"? | 9/11 | 56%
7x23: Goodbye Michael: Part 2 Which salesman gets all of Michael's clients? | Andy | 56%
6x22: Secretary's Day Oscar creates a video where he puts Kevin's voice over a video of what children's TV character? | Cookie Monster | 56%
7x11: Classy Christmas: Part 1 Kelly chooses laptop sleeves featuring what character as the Christmas gift? | Hello Kitty | 56%
2x7: The Client When Dwight goes to shoot off fireworks from his uncle, who joins him? | Kevin | 56%
5x25: Broke What language is written on the side of the van used by the Michael Scott Paper Company? | Korean | 56%
7x6: Costume Contest What costume does Angela wear? | Nurse | 56%
6x21: Happy Hour What game does Michael play with Jim, Pam, and Pam's friend who they are trying to set him up with? | Pool | 56%
5x26: Casual Friday Angela is upset by which part of Oscar's outfit? | Sandals | 56%
5x18: Blood Drive What is Kevin's ex-fiancee's name? | Stacy | 56%
9x24: AARM: Part 1 How many days since the last nonsense? | 6 | 50%
7x15: The Search After Michael leaves the gas station (when Jim abandons him to get CeCe), he first walks by what type of business "for the smell of it"? | Bakery | 50%
5x28: Company Picnic What food did Michael eat that made him fall asleep? | Chicken pot pie | 50%
5x9: Frame Toby What is on the painting that Jim tries to remove from his parent's house? | Clown | 50%
1x1: Pilot What politician's name does Michael call Jan? | Hillary Rodham Clinton | 50%
5x13: Prince Family Paper What actresses' hotness is being debated by the office? | Hillary Swank | 50%
9x7: The Whale Who is the CEO of Scranton White Pages? | Jan | 50%
9x10: Lice What condiment does Erin suggest using to suffocate the lice? | Mayonaise | 50%
7x5: The Sting When Michael, Dwight, and Jim set up the sting to learn about Danny's tactics, who plays the manager of the fake company? | 8x18: Last Day in FloridaWhich employee does Kevin kiss to prove he'll do anything to buy cookies from Toby and Darryl? | Meredith | 50%
6x8: Koi Pond What part of Dwight's body does he not want to be teased about? | Nose | 50%
4x3: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Part 1 In which month will Creed "turn 30"? | November | 50%
5x23: Michael Scott Paper Company What is Michael serving at his luncheon in order to attract new clients? | Pancakes | 50%
5x11: Moroccan Christmas What is the name of the toy that Dwight buys the stores out of and sells for a profit? | Princess Unicorn | 50%
8x2: The Incentive What is the name of the new Sabre tablet? | Pyramid | 50%
9x8: The Target Darryl got a complaint from a customer for answering a call while having sex. In reality, he was eating what? | Spaghetti | 50%
5x10: The Surplus What dessert does Michael almost choke on while talking to David Wallace? | Tiramisu | 50%
4x4: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Part 2 What treat do Michael and Dwight discover is missing from the gift basket they go to take back? | Turtles | 50%
8x15: Tallahassee What condition does Dwight go to the hospital for? | Appendicitis | 44%
7x20: Training Day Because of his toupee, Kevin compares himself to what actor? | Ashton Kutcher | 44%
5x19: Golden Ticket What medical procedure does Michael claim to have done in order to avoid talking to David Wallace? | Colonoscopy | 44%
6x20: New Leads Stanley agrees with Kelly's opinion on what reality-show family in order to get some of the leads she was given by Michael? | Kardashians | 44%
3x4: Grief Counseling Ryan steals the plot to which movie when describing the death of someone close to him? | Lion King | 44%
8x20: Welcome Party What is the profession of Nellie's ex boyfriend? | Magician | 44%
7x7: Christening What country is the youth group at the church going to? | Mexico | 44%
9x3: Andy's Ancestry What famous person is Andy distantly related to? | Michelle Obama | 44%
7x22: Goodbye Michael: Part 1 What does Phyllis make for Michael as a going away present? | Mittens | 44%
5x27: Cafe Disco What state to Jim and Pam almost travel to in order to get married? | Ohio | 44%
6x17: Delivery: Part 1 Oscar says the hospital will provide dictionaries, so Michael should bring a what? | Thesaurus | 44%
6x10: Murder What is the name of the character Angela plays in the murder mystery game? | Voodoo Mama Juju | 44%
9x20: Stairmageddon What does Dwight wrap Stanley in before pushing him down the stairs? | Bubble Wrap | 39%
6x18: Delivery: Part 2 What animal is Jim able to put a diaper on? | Cat | 39%
7x16: PDA Pam and Jim get drunk on what at Valentine's Day Lunch? | Champagne | 39%
2x12: The Injury What does Dwight (after getting a concussion) say his middle name is? | Danger | 39%
9x15: Couple's Discount Who pretends to be Oscar's boyfriend to get the discount? | Darryl | 39%
2x17: Dwight's Speech What word did Dwight misspell (in front of the entire school) to lose his 6th grade spelling bee? | Failure | 39%
7x27: Search Committee: Part 2 What nationality is the burn victim who Dwight pretends to be in the interview for the manager job? | French | 39%
7x3: Andy's Play Michael did an entire episode of what TV show as his audition for Sweeney Todd? | Law and Order | 39%
8x3: The Lotto Jim's fantasy life involves he and Pam living near a lighthouse in what state? | Maine | 39%
1x4: The Alliance What flavor of ice cream does Michael want for the ice cream cake? | Mint chocolate chip | 39%
2x18: Take your Daughter to Work Day What does Jake (Meredith's son) call Dwight? | Mr. Poop | 39%
2x19: Michael's Birthday Kelly never really thought about death until what celebrity died? | Princess Diana | 39%
9x4: Work Bus The place the work bus is driving to is called "Laverne's Pies", but they also fix what? | Tires | 39%
8x11: Trivia Gabe compares himself to what household appliance? | Toilet | 39%
9x13: Junior Salesman Dwight attended a fake school run by a conman meant to "harness his mutant abilities" like Charles Xavier from what comic book? | X-Men | 39%
2x14: The Carpet Michael tries to make a $100 prize for the sales team, but he only has how much cash on him? | $83 | 33%
4x14: Chair Model What song do Michael and Dwight sing at the chair model's grave? | American Pie | 33%
7x9: Wuphf.com What is the password for the server in the office? (Hint: must be spelled correctly) | Bigboobz | 33%
3x2: The Convention Pam's first date after splitting with Roy is with a man with what job? | Cartoonist | 33%
2x16: Valentine's Day What real celebrity walks by after Michael thinks he saw Tina Fey? | Conan O'Brien | 33%
2x3: Office Olympics What does Kevin say that the candle used to start the opening ceremonies smells like? | Cookies | 33%
8x24: Free Family Portrait Studio What does Dwight bring to the DNA lab to see if he is Phillip's father? | Diaper | 33%
1x2: Diversity Day What does Michael name his diversity seminar? | Diversity Tomorrow | 33%
1x6: Hot Girl What fast-food item does Michael have a shocking amount of receipts for in his car, according to Ryan? | Filet-o-fish | 33%
3x16: Phyllis's Wedding Where does Toby meet his wedding date? | Gym | 33%
8x7: Pam's Replacement What instrument does Robert play? | Harmonica | 33%
7x4: Sex Ed Dwight hires a day laborer named Nate to take care of what in the parking lot? | Hornets nest | 33%
7x12: Classy Christmas: Part 2 Jim breaks a window (while trying to get revenge on Dwight) using equipment from what sport? | Lacrosse | 33%
8x8: Gettysburg What Bradley Cooper movie do they watch on the way to Gettysburg? | Limitless | 33%
6x11: Shareholder Meeting What vehicle do Michael, Andy, Dwight, and Oscar take to the shareholder meeting? | Limousine | 33%
6x13: Secret Santa What is the name of the warehouse guy Oscar has a crush on? | Matt | 33%
6x26: The Whistleblower Michael tries to get the office to each watch his news interview clip 11 times so that it can be #1 on the WBRE website. They are instead distracted by a clip of what cute baby animal? | Otter | 33%
5x12: The Duel What kind of food does Michael want to order for lunch with David Wallace? | Pasta | 33%
9x1: New Guys What is Pete's nickname? | Plop | 33%
6x6: Mafia Where did Pam and Jim go for their honeymoon? | Puerto Rico | 33%
6x2: The Meeting Meredith will eat whatever's fanciest at Pam and Jim's wedding, unless there is what? | Ribs | 33%
5x20: New Boss What industry did Charles Miner work in before Dunder Mifflin? | Steel | 33%
4x19: Goodbye Toby: Part 2 What does Oscar think the real crime Ryan committed is? | The beard | 33%
5x17: Lecture Circuit: Part 2 What color is Holly's sweater? | Yellow | 33%
3x21: Product Recall What accent does Kevin want to try when he has to work in customer service? | Australian | 28%
3x20: Safety Training What was Michael's job at Men's Warehouse? | Greeter | 28%
4x7: Money Part 1 Which room theme do Pam and Jim stay in at Schrute Farms? | Irrigation | 28%
3x9: The Convict Who does Karen suggest as a white person she trusts? | Jesus | 28%
2x15: Boys and Girls After their "Women in the Workplace" meeting, what did Albany turn their break room into? | Lactation room | 28%
6x12: Scott's Tots Instead of college tuition, what does Michael give to Scott's Tots? | Laptop batteries | 28%
5x6: Employee Transfer What is the song that plays throughout the episode as Michael, Holly, and Darryl drive to Nashua? | Life is a Highway | 28%
8x23: Turf War What is the name of the fake salesman invented by Dwight and Jim to make more commission? | Lloyd Gross | 28%
5x8: Business Trip What drink does Andy buy for the two men he's trying to set Oscar up with? | Long Island Iced Tea | 28%
3x19: The Negotiation What is the brand of woman's suit Michael is wearing? | MISSterious | 28%
5x3: Business Ethics Meredith has been sleeping with someone for gift certificates to what chain restaurant? | Outback Steakhouse | 28%
3x15: Ben Franklin Where does Michael assume the stripper's boyfriend is? | Prison | 28%
3x8: The Merger What is the name of Michael's orientation video that Jim watched on his first day? | Scranton Witch Project | 28%
3x6: Diwali Michael is upset that Samosas are not what dessert? | S'mores | 28%
8x6: Doomsday What game do Robert and Jim play while Jim is distracting him? | Squash | 28%
9x19: Promos When Ryan Howard (the baseball player) meets Darryl and Jim, he repeats the slogan of what fast food chain? | Subway | 28%
5x5: Crime Aid What item of Kevin's was stolen? | Surge protector | 28%
2x1: The Dundies What song is Michael singing a parody of when the other bar patrons heckle him? | Tiny Dancer | 28%
8x14: Special Project Angela makes a special batch of brownies for Kevin that don't contain what? | Walnuts | 28%
9x21: Paper Airplane How much is the prize for winning the paper airplane contest? | $2,000 | 22%
9x25: AARM: Part 2 Which NFL Quarterback is a guest judge on America's Next Acapella Sensation? | Aaron Rodgers | 22%
6x16: Manager and Salesman What food does Erin bring to Michael every day and say "who's hungry"? | Ants on a log | 22%
9x6: The Boat To which South American country did Andy's father run off to with a younger woman? | Argentina | 22%
6x1: Gossip What disease is Creed rumored to have? | Asthma | 22%
2x9: Email Surveillance What is the name of the Asian man Michael does improv with? | Bill | 22%
3x5: Initiation On Michael's daily hours log, Pam writes that he does an impression of what celebrity? | Bill Cosby | 22%
7x26: Search Committee: Part 1 What is the acronym that Creed comes up with? | BOBODDY | 22%
9x16: Moving On: Part 1 What actor plays Mark, the manager Pam interviews with in Philly who reminds her of Michael? | Bob Odenkirk | 22%
4x15: Night Out What food does Michael try to order at the club with Ryan? | Chicken fingers | 22%
4x17: Job Fair What Ivy League school did Mr. Maguire, the guy playing golf with Jim, Andy, and Kevin, attend? | Dartmouth | 22%
3x17: Business School What is the first thing that Jim picks up that makes Dwight think he's a vampire? | Garlic Bread | 22%
6x3: The Promotion What drink is in the "World's Best Boss" mug that Michael gifts to Jim? | Gin | 22%
4x5: Launch Party Part 1 What book does Michael intent to give to Ryan before he finds out the party is online? | Green Eggs and Ham | 22%
8x17: Test the Store Toby's acronym for self defense, IAATG, stand for "It's All About the __________" | Groin | 22%
5x15: Stress Relief: Part 2 What was Michael's caption he wrote under the picture of Meredith's boobs that he put on the bulletin board? | "Gross" | 22%
2x20: Drug Use What legal drug does Michael put on his list of illegal drugs? | Hookah | 22%
8x5: Spooked Robert California's son uses the computer to track what? | Hurricanes | 22%
4x1: Fun Run Part 1 What medical procedure does Dwight tell the doctor that Meredith got time off for? | Hysterectomy | 22%
2x6: The Fight What is the name of Dwight's sensei? | Ira | 22%
5x14: Stress Relief: Part 1 What is the name of the CPR instructor? | Rose | 22%
7x21: Michael's Last Dundies Pam describes the breadsticks at a local restaurant as being "like crack". Ryan criticizes her for the comparison, suggesting the breadsticks are more like something "from her world", like what? | Scrapbooking | 22%
7x8: Viewing Party What does Michael want his grandkids to buy with the asphalt from the road the Scranton Strangler goes over? | Spaceship | 22%
7x25: Dwight K. Schrute (Acting) Manager What is the name of the "social club" that Jim starts after Dwight becomes acting manager? | The Fist | 22%
4x12: The Deposition What does Michael call Jan's breasts? | The Twins | 22%
7x19: Garage Sale Oscar says that everyone assumes he is a fan of what TV show because he always gets the DVD set as a gift? | Will and Grace | 22%
9x26: Finale Who plays Andy on the SNL Weekend Update parody of the "Baby Wawa" viral video? | Bill Hader | 17%
6x15: Sabre What actor appears in the Sabre training video? | Christian Slater | 17%
4x18: Goodbye Toby: Part 1 What do Dwight and Michael think to sell to Holly as a part of hazing her? | Elevator pass | 17%
9x5: Here Comes Treble What is Andy's signature song from his college days? | Faith | 17%
8x13: Jury Duty What song does Andy dance to in the warehouse? | Footloose | 17%
9x14: Vandalism What is the name of the warehouse worker who vandalized Pam's painting? | Frank | 17%
8x4: Garden Party What actor plays Andy's brother Walter Jr.? | Josh Groban | 17%
6x14: The Banker Michael is applying the same principles to beautify the office that (he claims) are also used by what pop singer (that Michael incorrectly assumes is a drag queen)? | Lady Gaga | 17%
3x10: Benihana Christmas Part 1 The Committee to Plan Parties throws a "______________ ____________ Christmas" | Margarita Karaoke | 17%
4x6: Launch Party Part 2 The moment Pam knew she liked Jim was when he told her that what food was expired? | Mixed berry yogurt | 17%
5x21: Two Weeks What two-ingredient cocktail does Michael drink after having put in his 2 weeks notice? | Scotch and Splenda | 17%
9x18: The Farm What is the name of Dwight's aunt who passed? | Shirley | 17%
4x9: Local Ad What is the profession of Jim's second life character? | Sportswriter | 17%
8x9: Mrs. California What is Robert's wife's name? | Susan | 17%
6x19: St. Patrick's Day Michael calls green M&M's nature's what medicine/supplement? | Viagra | 17%
7x24: Inner Circle What song does Deangelo play during his "juggling" routine? | "Wake Me Up" | 17%
9x17: Moving On: Part 2 What is Pete's ex girlfriend's name? | Alice | 11%
4x2: Fun Run Part 2 What did Michael tell Dwight the money for the fundraiser was going for in order to make him donate? | Bat Birth Control | 11%
9x9: Dwight Christmas What is the name of Belsnickel's companion? | Black Peter | 11%
6x9: Double Date Pam says that, because Michael likes to date people close to Pam, he should next date what dish at the restaurant they are at? | Chicken Parmesean | 11%
7x14: The Seminar What song does Kevin use as his introduction for the seminar? | Crazy Train | 11%
7x10: China Dwight puts a large billboard advertising what type of company on the building? | Exterminator | 11%
3x22: Women's Appreciation What is Jan and Michael's safe word? | Foliage | 11%
8x10: Christmas Wishes What is the name of the porcupine Dwight hides in his desk? | Henrietta | 11%
7x13: Ultimatum What is the name of Dwight's volunteer crime patrol group? | Knights of the Night | 11%
9x2: Roy's Wedding What is Roy's wife's name? | Laura | 11%
4x16: Did I Stutter? What does the "pink line" on Dwight's organizational hierarchy chart indicate? | Menstrual Cycles | 11%
3x3: The Coup When Jan enters the room to see the group watching Varsity Blues, Michael says he hopes she brought what candy? | Milk Duds | 11%
6x25: The Chump After breaking up with Donna, Pam puts on Mr. Bean and what classic comedy film? | Pink Panther | 11%
4x13: Dinner Party: When arguing with Jan, what musical did Michael say he wanted to see? | Stomp | 11%
3x18: Cocktails What does Toby try to win Pam from the claw machine? | Stuffed Duck | 11%
6x4: Niagara: Part 1 What is Pam's grandmother (Meemaw)'s real name? | Sylvia | 11%
4x8: Money Part 2 Who does Creed transfer his debt to when he gets in trouble? | William Charles Schneider | 11%
8x1: The List Andy tells Robert that it has been a "medium year" for what sport? | Women's Soccer | 11%
2x22: Casino Night After being told he can't donate to Comic Relief, what charity does Michael want to donate to? | Afghanistanis with AIDS | 6%
2x8: Performance Reviews What did Michael tell Pam he can do at the end of her performance review last year? | Bench press 190 pounds | 6%
9x22: Livin' the Dream: Part 1 What is the name of Dwight's new Sensei? | Billy | 6%
2x21: Conflict Resolution Pam tells Angela she has a problem with everyone except who? (Hint: nickname) | Bobble Head Joe | 6%
5x4: Baby Shower What is the boy name for Jan's baby that Michael suggests? | Chevy | 6%
2x13: The Secret What is the server's name at Hooters? | Dana | 6%
7x17: Threat Level Midnight What is the name of the "hippest jazz club in town" that Jasmine Winsong (Jan) sings at? | Funky Cat | 6%
8x16: After Hours What is the name of Oscar's dog? | Gerald | 6%
3x13: Traveling Salesman What does Michael name his computer when he puts eyes on it and has it "talk" ton Jim and Pam? | Harvey | 6%
3x14: The Return Oscar, when talking about the harassment he receives for being gay, wants people to "keep talking" so he can get what? | Home theater | 6%
9x23: Livin' the Dream: Part 2 What song does Andy play before leaving the office? | I Will Remember You | 6%
7x18: Todd Packer Todd compliments Holly by comparing her to what actress? | Jennifer Aniston | 6%
6x24: Cover Up When Jim thinks Michael is eating ice cream, he is actually eating what? | Mayonaise and black olives | 6%
6x7: The Lover Jim hopes that, because of the recording device Dwight puts in the mallard, he can get him to live out the plot of what film? | National Treasure | 6%
5x1: Weight Loss: Part 1 What does the sign on the door of Pam's dorm say? | Resident Assistant | 6%
4x10: Branch Wars What is the receptionist in Utica's name? | Rolando | 6%
8x21: Angry Andy Andy gives jerseys to the office so they can recreate a scene from what famous sports movie? | Rudy | 6%
3x1: Gay Witch Hunt Michael calls Oscar "f*ggy" for liking which movie? | Shakespeare in Love | 6%
2x5: Halloween What is Jan's receptionist's name who Michael talks to at the beginning of the episode? | Sherri | 6%
5x7: Customer Survey What does Pam put in her coffee? | Sprinkle of cinnamon | 6%
1x5: Basketball When asked by Jim, what are Pam and Roy planning to do for the weekend? | Take wave runners to the lake | 6%
9x12: Customer Loyalty What is the name of the treasure hunt that Jim sends Dwight on? | The Dunder Code | 6%
5x22: Dream Team What was the name of Jim's soccer team? | The orange team | 6%
3x7: Branch Closing At what time does "Future Dwight" say someone will poison the coffee? | 8:00 AM | 0%
7x1: Nepotism The last time Michael saw his nephew Luke was the opening day of what movie? | Ace Ventura II | 0%
3x12: Back from Vacation What is Jan's therapist's name? | Dr. Perry | 0%
8x19: Get the Girl What is the name of the son of the old woman Erin works for? | Glenn | 0%
8x22: Fundraiser What type of charity was the fundraiser for? | Humane society | 0%
5x16: Lecture Circuit: Part 1 What candy bar does Michael give out in Utica? | Mounds Bars | 0%
7x2: Counseling What is the name of the daycare Dwight tries to open in the building? | Sesame Avenue Day Care | 0%
6x5: Niagara: Part 2 Dwight doesn't eat breakfast with Isabelle because a bunch of what after she went to bed? | Sesame seeds | 0%
6x23: Body Language Michael describes his eyes to Donna as ___________ green? | Shrek | 0%
9x11: Suit Warehouse When Jim and Dwight pretended to be siblings in order to make sales to family businesses, what was their last name? | Shupert | 0%
3x23: Beach Games What is the first event in Beach Games? | Spoon and egg race | 0%
3x11: Benihana Christmas Part 2 What does Dwight win in the raffle? | Walkie Talkies | 0%
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