Enormously frustrating quiz, as you've misspelled just about everything. It's not a porthole, it's a portkey. Weasley, not Weasly--you've made this mistake twice. Sirius Black, not Serius. Egypt, not Eygpt. Kreacher, not Kreature. And I agree with helen62442, Petrificus Totalus is just as accurate as Body Binding Curse, with the added bonus that that is the actual name of the curse. That was a less than amazing Harry Potter quiz.
Percy *Weasley
Please accept Petrificus Totalus for Body Binding Curse
*Sirius Black
Egypt (not Eygpt)
Weasley (not Weasly)
Sirius (not Serius)
Kreacher (not Kreature)
Accept Body Bind, Body Bind Curse, Petrificus Totalus please. I tried all of those.
Thanks, please fix ;)