WrestleMania | Opponent | % Correct |
WrestleMania XXX | The Undertaker | 99%
WrestleMania 31 | Roman Reigns | 98%
WrestleMania 34 | Roman Reigns | 98%
WrestleMania 38 | Roman Reigns | 98%
WrestleMania 31 | Seth Rollins | 97%
WrestleMania 35 | Seth Rollins | 97%
WrestleMania 29 | Triple H | 91%
WrestleMania XIX | Kurt Angle | 89%
WrestleMania XX | Goldberg | 86%
WrestleMania 33 | Goldberg | 86%
WrestleMania 32 | Dean Ambrose | 82%
WrestleMania 39 | Omos | 80%
WrestleMania 36 | Drew McIntyre | 79%
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