Merriam-Webster's dictionary gives as one definition of "equatorial": 'of, relating to, or located at the equator or an equator'.
So, Equatorial Guinea is Guinea relating to equator, as people have said here. This is new information for me, I have always thought that "equatorial" means location at the equator.
My intuition in English is limited, but in Finnish I can say that this is wrong. The "equator" is called päiväntasaaja (literally day-equalizer) and Equatorial Guinea is Päiväntasaajan Guinea 'Equator's Guinea'. I automatically interpret it as a location at the equator, because it is not even used as adjective, but substantive in genitive. If it is meant to show approximative location, it fails, because it is definitive expression. Swedish town called Haparanda can't be called "Suomen Haaparanta" even if locates right next to Finnish border.
why is everyone so joyful about this. Honduras and jamaica is more north than panama costa rica nicaragua trinidad suriname barbados and guyana which all didnt make the list. Pls cirrect your geography with this quiz
The quiz isn't which countries are closest to the equator, it’s which country (and in some rare cases, countries) are closest to the equator that start with a certain letter.
So, Equatorial Guinea is Guinea relating to equator, as people have said here. This is new information for me, I have always thought that "equatorial" means location at the equator.
My intuition in English is limited, but in Finnish I can say that this is wrong. The "equator" is called päiväntasaaja (literally day-equalizer) and Equatorial Guinea is Päiväntasaajan Guinea 'Equator's Guinea'. I automatically interpret it as a location at the equator, because it is not even used as adjective, but substantive in genitive. If it is meant to show approximative location, it fails, because it is definitive expression. Swedish town called Haparanda can't be called "Suomen Haaparanta" even if locates right next to Finnish border.
Another example- Mazowieckie is województwo, but Rawa Mazowiecka is in Łódzkie
Stupid planet, costing me points!