Reign | Dynasty | Monarch | % Correct |
1100 - 1135 | Normandy | Henry I | 84%
1272 - 1307 | Plantagenet | Edward I | 83%
1558 - 1603 | Tudor | Elizabeth I | 82%
1952 - present | Windsor | Elizabeth II | 82%
1154 - 1189 | Anjou | Henry II | 82%
1714 - 1727 | Hanover | George I | 81%
1413 - 1422 | Lancaster | Henry V | 81%
1307 - 1327 | Plantagenet | Edward II | 80%
1483 | York | Edward V | 80%
1547 - 1553 | Tudor | Edward VI | 80%
1727 - 1760 | Hanover | George II | 80%
1760 - 1820 | Hanover | George III | 80%
1820 - 1830 | Hanover | George IV | 80%
1910 - 1936 | Windsor | George V | 80%
1216 - 1272 | Plantagenet | Henry III | 80%
1422 - 1461 | Lancaster | Henry VI | 80%
1470 - 1471 | Lancaster | Henry VI | 80%
1485 - 1509 | Tudor | Henry VII | 80%
1509 - 1547 | Tudor | Henry VIII | 80%
1837 - 1901 | Hanover | Victoria | 80%
1327 - 1377 | Plantagenet | Edward III | 79%
1461 - 1470 | York | Edward IV | 79%
1471 - 1483 | York | Edward IV | 79%
1901 - 1910 | Saxe-Coburg & Gotha | Edward VII | 79%
1936 - 1952 | Windsor | George VI | 79%
1399 - 1413 | Lancaster | Henry IV | 79%
1625 - 1649 | Stuart | Charles I | 78%
1660 - 1685 | Stuart | Charles II | 78%
1087 - 1100 | Normandy | William II | 78%
1603 - 1625 | Stuart | James I | 77%
1553 - 1558 | Tudor | Mary I | 77%
1936 | Windsor | Edward VIII | 76%
1377 - 1399 | Plantagenet | Richard II | 76%
1483 - 1485 | York | Richard III | 76%
1685 - 1688 | Stuart | James II | 75%
1689 - 1702 | Stuart | William III | 75%
1702 - 1714 | Stuart | Anne | 72%
1199 - 1216 | Anjou | John | 72%
1689 - 1694 | Stuart | Mary II | 72%
1135 - 1154 | Blois | Stephen | 72%
1830 - 1837 | Hanover | William IV | 72%
871 - 899 | Wessex | Alfred the Great | 65%
1066 - 1087 | Normandy | William the Conqueror | 65%
1653 - 1658 | Commonwealth | Oliver Cromwell | 58%
1016 - 1045 | Knýtlinga | Cnut | 56%
1189 - 1199 | Anjou | Richard the Lionheart | 55%
1141 (disputed) | Normandy | Matilda | 52%
1042 - 1066 | Wessex | Edward the Confessor | 50%
1553 (disputed) | Suffolk | Lady Jane Grey | 48%
1554 - 1558 | Habsburg | Philip | 47%
1066 | Wessex | Harold Godwinson | 44%
939 - 946 | Wessex | Edmund I | 43%
978 - 1013 | Wessex | Ethelred the Unready | 43%
1014 - 1016 | Wessex | Ethelred the Unready | 43%
1658 - 1659 | Commonwealth | Richard Cromwell | 41%
1216 (disputed) | Capet | Louis | 37%
1040 - 1042 | Knýtlinga | Harthacnut | 33%
1016 | Wessex | Edmund Ironside | 30%
899 - 924 | Wessex | Edward the Elder | 30%
1170 - 1183 | Anjou | Henry the Young | 28%
924 - 939 | Wessex | Ethelstan | 27%
955 - 959 | Wessex | Eadwig | 24%
1013 - 1014 | Knýtlinga | Sweyn Forkbeard | 24%
975 - 978 | Wessex | Edward the Martyr | 23%
1035 - 1040 | Knýtlinga | Harold Harefoot | 23%
946 - 955 | Wessex | Eadred | 21%
959 - 975 | Wessex | Edgar the Peaceful | 19%
1066 | Wessex | Edgar the Etheling | 9%
924 (disputed) | Wessex | Elfweard | 9%
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