Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Winterfell/The North | House Stark | 100%
Casterly Rock/The Westerlands | House Lannister | 98%
King's Landing/The Crownlands | House Baratheon | 96%
Dragonstone | House Baratheon | 96%
Storm's End/The Stormlands | House Baratheon | 96%
Riverrun/The Riverlands | House Tully | 96%
The Eyrie/The Vale | House Arryn | 95%
Lord of Winterfell | Lord Eddard Stark | 95%
Pyke/The Iron Islands | House Greyjoy | 94%
Lord of Casterly Rock | Lord Tywin Lannister | 94%
King of Westeros | King Robert Baratheon | 92%
Sunspear/Dorne | House Martell | 91%
Highgarden/The Reach | House Tyrell | 91%
Lord of Dragonstone | Prince Stannis Baratheon | 90%
Lord of the Eyrie | Lord Jon Arryn or Lord Robert Arryn | 89%
Lord of Storm's End | Prince Renly Baratheon | 85%
Lord of Pyke | Lord Balon Greyjoy | 83%
Lord of Highgarden | Lord Mace Tyrell | 77%
Lord of Riverrun | Lord Hoster Tully | 75%
Prince of Dorne | Prince Doran Martell | 70%
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