Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Name of the planet | Azeroth | 98%
Son of Grommash Hellscream | Garrosh Hellscream | 85%
Name of the second expansion | Wrath of the Lich King | 79%
Old God #1 | C'thun | 75%
High king of the Alliance | King Varian Wrynn | 70%
Year of EU release | 2005 | 67%
Old God #2 | Yogg Saron | 67%
Digital Warcraft card game | Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft | 64%
Old God #3 | N'zoth | 64%
Original Dragon Aspect #3 | Ysera | 64%
Original Dragon Aspect #5 | Neltharion | 63%
Title earned for killing The Lich King | The Kingslayer | 61%
Had an achievement named after him | Leeroy Jenkins | 60%
Evil overlord of the Burning Legion | Sargeras | 60%
Raiding feature that came in patch 4.3 | Raidfinder | 59%
Thrall's father | Durotan | 56%
Original Dragon Aspect #4 | Malygos | 56%
Region that contains Dire Maul | Feralas | 55%
Original Dragon Aspect #1 | Nozdormu | 52%
Original Dragon Aspect #2 | Alexstrasza | 51%
Character inspired by Indiana Jones | Harrison Jones | 48%
Old God #4 | Y'Shaarj | 42%
Birth name of the Lich King | Ner'zhul | 40%
Peak subscriber number | 12 million | 33%
Inspiration for the Wildhammer Fact Checker | The Red Shirt Guy | 29%
Location of BlizzCon | Anaheim Convention Center | 28%
Human name of Onyxia | Lady Prestor | 23%
Top-tier Finnish raiding guild | Dream Paragon | 19%
Vendor who sells mounts in Dalaran | Mei Francis | 19%
Shattrath assault force at the Sunwell | Shattered Sun Offensive | 19%
First Death Knight | Theron Gorefiend | 19%
Last boss of the original Wailing Caverns | Mutanus the Devourer | 14%
Inspiration for the name of the universe (Warcraft) | H.P. Lovecraft | 12%
Fourth anniversary gift | Baby Blizzard Bear | 11%
Creator of the song "Welcome to the Deadmines" | Irdeen (Jesse Cox & Adrian Drott) | 4%
World of Warcraft lead designer | Tom Chilton | 4%
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