Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Member of the Fellowship of the Ring | Aragorn II | 100%
Elrond's daughter, the wife of Aragorn | Arwen Undomiel | 90%
Father of previous answer | Arathorn II | 87%
A white jewel from Erebor, craved by Thorin Oakenshield | Arkenstone | 70%
The leader of the Nazgul originally comes from this location | Angmar | 69%
The Great River | Anduin | 59%
The Reforged Sword | Anduril | 57%
The Pale Orc | Azog | 54%
Ancient kingdom; the northern counterpart of Gondor | Arnor | 45%
Weathertop | Amon Sul | 43%
Another name for Kingsfoil, a weed with healing properties | Athelas | 43%
Previous name of Minas Tirith, when Minas Ithil was its counterpart | Minas {Anor} | 37%
Hill of Sight | Amon Hen | 34%
The Pillars of the King | Argonath | 29%
Hill of Hearing | Amon Lhaw | 12%
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