
Top 10 Most Densely-Populated Countries in Europe

Can you name the 10 European countries with the highest population density?
Density in people per km2
Based on population as of 2 July 2023
Quiz by Dyl
Last updated: July 3, 2023
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First submittedMay 1, 2015
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Vatican City
San Marino
United Kingdom
Level 82
Oct 24, 2016
Almost didn't get the 2 biggest countries on here, since everything else is way smaller!
Level 69
Sep 21, 2019
^these guys
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
I would definitely not divide it into 2 big and all the rest way smaller. I would say 4 medium to big, the rest way smaller.

The netherlands for instance is nearly 95.000 times bigger than vatican city!! Or for a little less extreme comparison (because comparing to vatican gives everything huge numbers) it is 131 times larger than Malta (compared to less than 6 times smaller than the UK, so definitely closer to the bigger ones on the scale)

Luxembourg isnt tiny, but still quite small it is sort of inbetween ish but decided to put it with the small ones, it is 8 times bigger than malta but 12 times smaller than belgium, so closer to the smaller ones.)

Level 67
Dec 7, 2016
Missed Netherlands :I
Level 60
Dec 7, 2016
Amusingly, due to its size the population density of the Vatican (1,818/km2) is higher than its actual population of approx 850-1000.
Level 81
Dec 7, 2016
It's not. Just the first number in the density figure is higher. If you divide it by square km, then it's the same.
Level 81
Dec 7, 2016
Kind of like saying 6/3 is more than 2. It's the same number.
Level 43
Dec 7, 2016
He is saying that the population of 1 square kilometer with the Vatican City's density is greater than the population of the Vatican City. I found this fascinating as well, Corrode.
Level 81
Sep 21, 2019
If that's what he's saying then he probably should have said that. But he didn't. He said the population density is higher than the actual population.
Level 71
Sep 21, 2019
You must be fun at a party.
Level 91
Sep 21, 2019
If it’s an intellectual party, most definitely.
Level 46
Sep 24, 2019
What Corrode said was correct. The population density is higher than the population, since the area is less than 1km^2.
Level 70
Jan 31, 2020
The population density in people per square kilometre is numerically higher than the population. But the population density and the population do not share the same units so one cannot be said to be intrinsically higher than the other.
Level 70
Feb 1, 2020
Also kalbahamut it isn't anything like saying that. It is more like saying that my age is greater than my weight. It depends heavily on what units you use.
Level 81
Feb 10, 2020
he's not using different units. The unit is people. And 1,818 * 0.44 is 799, or the same exact number often given for the Vatican's total population. He can only say that it is higher by ignoring the "/km2"
Level 70
Nov 20, 2021
No, the unit for population is people, and the unit for population density is people per square kilometre.
Level 81
Jun 6, 2022
I find that those who scoff at or ridicule others who correct false information are frequently the same ones who enjoy spreading false information themselves, and deserve to be scoffed or ridiculed.
Level 49
Jul 2, 2022
Nobody cares.
Level 72
Dec 7, 2016
No to be fair I see what Corrode's getting at. Yeah it's mathematically obvious, but it's still a funny reflection on how tiny the Vatican is.
Level 79
Sep 4, 2017
It also means that the Vatican normally has around 2 popes per square kilometre. Just to confound this, it currently has around 4 popes per square kilometre if we include emeritus..
Level 50
Sep 22, 2019
Don't worry about him. He is notorious for being extremely nitpicky on stuff like this
Level 26
Feb 2, 2019
It merely means that Vatican City has an area of under 1 square kilometer. Any country that it that small has the same result.
Level 77
Dec 7, 2016
Surprised theres no Andorra
Level 67
Dec 7, 2016
Me too. It's the only one of the micronations missing. I imagine that, because it's smack in the middle of the mountains, it can't accommodate a high population density.
Level 43
Dec 7, 2016
But Liechtenstein is also in the middle of the mountains. Andorra is actually about 3 times bigger than Liechtenstein in area but less than twice as many people.
Level 57
Jun 15, 2020
Compared with Andorra, Liechtenstein is green and flat. Andorra always feels to me like an arbitrary area right in the middle of some mountains. Everything is a snowy slope or a congested road. Or, of course, both.
Level 42
Dec 7, 2016
Done all the micro countries (and others), was just a matter of guessing until I finally got Belgium and Netherlands xD 0:23 left
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
so no problems with uk, luxembourg and germany?
Level 68
Dec 7, 2016
Haha got UK with 1 second left, man UK and Germany were just not even on my radar
Level 74
Sep 21, 2019
I got UK but had no idea Germany would be on the list. I was just guessing random countries at the last, and got it just before time ran out.
Level 45
Dec 8, 2016
wow, too easy :) 1:28 on the clock
Level 70
Dec 8, 2016
Not seeing andorra on these lists make me feel incomplete...
Level 71
Dec 19, 2016
I agree.
Level 62
Feb 12, 2017
How didn't I get Luxembourg?!
Level 68
Nov 20, 2021
You didn't type it in correctly :)
Level 22
Apr 24, 2017
Monaco is over the top crowded!
Level 73
May 15, 2018
not really if you know how many letterboxes you can fit on 1 m² ("for tax purposes")
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
Not really if you compare it to other cities. Being a city state it is just the city, unlike countries that can have rural areas between cities. Dhaka for instance is more than twice as densely populated than monaco. (to name a few other that are more densely populated, mumbai, cairo delhi, tokyo. And all of them are much bigger, so more impressive to be that densely populated)
Level 94
Apr 13, 2019
Level 64
Aug 26, 2019
Shows how consistently dense the uk and Germany are. Especially considering that Scotland wales and Northern Ireland are fairly sparse, England has 55 million people in a fairly small area.
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
How is the uk consistently dense if like you say yourself scotalnd, wales and northern ireland are not densely populated? Not distributed equally at all, more than 80% of the population of the Uk live in england.
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
More than 84% even to be precise, while it only makes up 53% of the UK area. The density of England is nearly the same as that of the Netherlands
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
Bah I had all but one with 1:30 to spare, I COULD NOT think of malta... :/ Ah well.
Level 72
Sep 23, 2019
Things change fast. Netherlands are already above 500/km² density. Vatican city dropped to about 2000, and Monaco Is above 26000 now. The others actually stayed nearly the same (about 10/km² max, so negligible).
Level 71
Sep 24, 2019
Missed Malta and Liechtenstein
Level 83
Jul 9, 2020
For some reason I thought it was cities instead of countries and I wasted almost all my time typing cities in :-(
Level 28
Sep 12, 2021
Level 44
Nov 20, 2021
I didn't realise it was only European countries, that was a very close save
Level 68
Nov 20, 2021
I missed Vatican City because I knew that its population is smaller than 1827 but I forgot that it has a surface area that is smaller than a square kilometre.
Level 55
Nov 21, 2021
surprised singapore wasnt here
Level 42
Nov 30, 2021
I didn't know Singapore has moved to Europe from Asia..
Level 33
Nov 23, 2021
Jokes on you, I was able to guess all the countries in Europe :).

Now seriously, great quiz!

Level 68
Nov 7, 2022
Alternative quiz name: "name all the European micronations. (mostly.)"
Level 70
Dec 25, 2022
Don't know why the US isn't on this list, they are pretty dense.
Level 61
Jul 10, 2023
true, but also not in Europe
Level 69
Feb 14, 2023
Switzerland misses out soooo closely
Level 71
May 8, 2023
27 seconds