Unglued, Unguled, Unruled, and Unurged are all two letters off. The longest words made from Ouagadougou are both 5 letters, Dagga and Doggo. From Ljubljana, there are four 5-letter words, Alula, Banal, Bulla, and Lauan. Sri Jayasomething Kotte was too long for the word finder, but from Jayawardenapura alone there are 8-letter words. Underjaw, Underpay, Underway, Unwarped, and Wardenry
I am curious what you believe is the scenario instead. Anagrams arent answers you can look up.. so maybe they are time travellers ? Wait that wouldnt work.. O guess then someone broke into your house and hypnotized you, so that when you look at the screen you think there are different stats than is actually the case (which is obviously zero, who would know a capital in europe of all places..)
I agree. Given the knowledge of most geography Jetpunkers, it's insane to imagine that only half of them knew Tirana. A lot of them must have simply forgotten or had spelling trouble.
Cool quiz, I found it surprisingly easy eventhough i am bad at cities. I only struggle a little bit with athens. And I didnt get freetown, cause i didnt really know it.
I am surprised at how low all the scores, but the first one, are.
Saying that this is "just another anagram quiz" seems to not recognize how VERY clever it is! I know the 196+ capitals but still did not do well on this. I spent too much time just enjoying the words you came up with. I'm a professional pianist and missed Pristina! Bravo, I say.
when you can't figure out one of the anagrams and you decide to move on to the next, but your brain keeps dragging you back to the unfinished business above 🤯
Add A Letter - Make a Capital City
Add a letter to these words, then rearrange the letters to make the name of a country.
but maybe you have a better explanation :)
I am surprised at how low all the scores, but the first one, are.