For someone who has lived and worked in London for 10 years I found this harder than I thought I would. Its amazing how little we refer to the boroughs even though of course I have heard of all of them. - Good quiz.
Really tough for a Yank. I knew the top two, and should have gotten a couple more - mad at self for forgetting Greenwich. I'll be taking this one again to try to learn a few more.
Weird since there is no London Borough of Fulham, and West Brom is in the West Midlands. If you mean West Ham, that club is in Newham. Indeed the great majority of London's clubs are in differently named boroughs.
Yes, I have the same problem with the display... The map covers the columns of answers completely (except for the far right hand one, which it only covers partially), some of the timer and the answer box and I can only see some of the pause button but none of the others next to it.
One day Internet Explorer will be dead and the world will be a better place. Until then, I have made a fix so that this will work properly for IE users.
Interesting read here on how and why the City is so legally distinct from the city:
Technically the City of London is a separate (semi-autonomous) state! They have their own police force and mayor, for example. Also you'll notice a major contrast between CoL and the London surrounding it - particularly with the architectural styles.
Arsenal team is named after Woolwich Arsenal, where the team used to be based. The football ground moved north of the river but kept the latter part of their name.
Still not totally convinced that there is anywhere in London called Hillingdon. I'm going to have to look it up. But I suspect even then I won't be convinced.