100% 4:49 remaining. Last two were Jamaica and Vanuatu. Took me about 2 minutes for them. The "countries by letters" quizes helped a lot. I know that there are 3 countries with letter J
Bro legit forgot philippines and taiwan existed also took me a bit since i forgot to type vanuatu and tuvalu since some of the t's and v's were missing
They probably know them. Just had a mind blank trying to recall all at once. I missed Samoa, I know exactly where it is, just didn't happen to think of it during the 15 minutes haha.
Is it possible in any way for the borders of the countries to be defined (in black preferably) when you guess them? Obviously this quiz is a bit different than the usual Countries of the World quiz and maybe this wouldn’t change much but I think it would make it more aesthetically pleasing
Bro I missed 4 countries which is Cuba, New Zealand, Philippines and a country that I somehow forgot about and that I should shame myself: Denmark (Greenland) like I was so shocked of how I could even forget about that :(
well, it would be great, if countries were sort out by the geographical not the alphabetical order. It is quite hard to remeber if already named Israel or San Marino, espically when you have 195 countries done
The Oceanic countries are the WORST. I haven't memorized their geographical location so if I miss a country like Tuvalu or Kiribati I wouldn't know until I sit there for 10 MINUTES in the end thinking about what countries I could've possible missed!
Seriously, how can you finish this under 7min? I know them all by heart, typing non stop and cant do better. Nice quiz, doing it almost everyday, thank you!
Probably because it has no borders, and the map looks correct even without it.
got all of them in 3:43 (first time sub 4 min)
Oceania, Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America.
This beats or equals 59.5% of test takers
The average score is 150
Your high score is 187
For real
May I suggest a different color for the countries that you got? A darker color would help finding the blanks in the map.