
Countries With Most Slavery

Name the countries with the highest proportion of people living in slavery.
As of 2016. Source: Global Slavery Index
Quiz by relessness
Last updated: September 6, 2018
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First submittedNovember 18, 2014
Times taken23,380
Average score57.1%
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North Korea
D.R. Congo
South Sudan
Central African Republic
Dominican Republic
Level 81
Nov 18, 2014
hm... interesting. Didn't miss any in the first two columns except for Uzbekistan. But I'm surprised to not see Saudi Arabia on the list. I guess it's hard to collect accurate stats on such a thing, plus I'm sure there's some disagreement on how exactly to define "slave" these days. Since, officially anyway, the last country to ban the practice did so over 30 years ago.
Level 86
Jul 10, 2018
Likely a methodological error.
Level 77
Sep 8, 2018
In an era in which (permanent) bonded servitude is illegal everywhere, there are pretty massive methodological challenges in coming up with these numbers. We should care about freedom, of course, but placing everyone within a dichotomy of free/unfree is pretty ridiculously simplistic in the current context.
Level 51
May 30, 2015
Heh...Mauritania was an answer on the quiz for the last countries to abolish slavery. I knew my scoff in the comments was true.
Level 68
Jul 14, 2018
I thought I once saw that Mali was a big problem in that same region, but I guess, according to this reporting methodology, it's not.
Level 78
Jul 9, 2018
Even though I guessed it right, I had no idea about Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Definitely a shot in the dark there.
Level 70
Jul 10, 2018
i think the slaves in dr are mostly haitians and black domincans, racism is still prevalent there.
Level 68
Jul 14, 2018
Haiti has fallen on some really crappy times of late, but doesn't the DR have a lot of tourism? (My daughter went and said the beaches are beautiful!) Tourists tend to frown on slavery as a general rule.
Level 78
Aug 9, 2018
Reminds me of when former sports legend Franz Beckenbauer went to Qatar for business deals and when he came back, this is what he had to say in all seriousness: "I have not seen a single slave there. They all walk around freely, neither chained nor shackled, and without penitential garment on their heads. I don't know where these media reports come from. I have seen the Arab world myself and I think my view is more realistic."
Level 59
Sep 28, 2020
In the Dominican Republic, the constitution was changed to being born from an undocumented immigrant you are still illegal. It was then retroactively applied all the way back to the writing of the previous version in 1929, leading to sanctions on the country for the racist (anti-Haitian) act.
Level 70
Jul 21, 2018
People living under slavery don't have a big red 'S' on their back. Tourists are more likely to lounge on the beach or in the bar then give the toilet-cleaners the 3rd degree on their working status.
Level 68
Oct 9, 2019
This. Even some of the Roman slaves were allowed to travel and shop and deliberate for their masters and even had degrees of hierarchy and status in public. It might have been hard to tell them apart, especially if they were Italian.
Level 77
Apr 16, 2023
I question the idea that there's any real equivalency between Roman slaves and the people accounted for here.

But I absolutely agree that tourists are generally going to be oblivious to the status of locals they may see in these places.

Level 84
Jul 10, 2018
I was desperate enough to try Liberia.
Level 74
Jul 11, 2018
I was just going down the west coast of Africa, typed that, and then facepalmed.
Level 81
Jan 14, 2020
Actually not a bad guess. The history of Liberia is pretty tragic and includes a lot of exploitation of the locals by the freed slaves who founded the country.
Level 80
Apr 4, 2020
That's a good guess actually.
Level 49
Jul 10, 2018
Omg i had 1 second left and i got the last missing one (mauritania)
Level 92
Jul 10, 2018
Lovely how many of these have "Republic" in their official names.
Level 50
Sep 8, 2018
Yeah and democratic. Korea's official name is the Democratic Republic of Korea.
Level 81
Sep 8, 2018
The number of adjectives in your country's name describing it as free, democratic, or for the people is inversely proportional to the degree that country actually is free, democratic, or for the people.
Level 82
May 13, 2021
Agreed. Hence DRC, PRC and even HRE. Ask our old friend Voltaire.

Also, how the actual f*** did Qatar get awarded the (Soccer - I can't believe I'm saying that!) World Cup?

The stadia are being built by migrant slaves.

Check it out.

Level 78
Jul 16, 2021
Yeah...we've known for like 8 years since they won the bid. There have been articles for years about how the world should ban the games there. Not just for the human rights reasons, but because it's dangerously hot to host an outdoor soccer tournament of that magnitude. The world has 1 year to figure it out.
Level 59
Jul 10, 2018
Best Korea has no slaves. They're merely voluntary workers. Dear Leader gives them the best food.
Level 50
Sep 8, 2018
What about the people in prison camps? They work, make things and carry things under orders or get punished so basically slaves.
Level 56
Sep 16, 2018
He is being sarcastic
Level 51
Apr 2, 2019
The joke flew over your head.
Level 67
Mar 23, 2020
Level 41
Jul 11, 2018
I only got 57%. Guessing countries for this topic was uncomfortable.
Level 76
Jul 12, 2018
I wonder, if for some countries, is there any practical difference between "wife" and "slave"? And does that show in this quiz? Sadly.
Level 68
Jul 14, 2018
Hey, in Saudi Arabia, women can drive now!
Level 81
Sep 8, 2018
It doesn't matter if you are someone's wife or not, in Saudi Arabia all women, aside from foreign expats, must by law have a "mahram." They like to translate this as "guardian," but in actual practice a better translation is "owner." All Saudi women are someone's property. They can't work, travel, marry, or divorce without permission from their "mahram." They do not have the same legal rights as men and their testimony is not valued as if it were given by a whole person in Saudi courts. The true figure for slavery in Saudi Arabia is close to 50%.

source: living there for 6 years, knowing personally many women who are from there. 100% of them are unable to truly make decisions for themselves. Those that appear to are only doing so with the consent of their owner (father, uncle, husband... in some cases minor male child... somebody with a phallus basically)

Level 50
Sep 8, 2018
Saudi was my second guess I think. I have heard all of those things, it's very sad. Hope things improve with time but I don't know....
Level 81
Oct 1, 2019
As of this year, the king of Saudi Arabia announced that women will be allowed to travel without permission from a mahram. This is pretty huge for Saudi women. I wonder if there is going to be a bunch that try to escape to foreign countries and claim asylum. I hope that they are granted it if they ask... but if that happens too often the kingdom may change its policy back.
Level 81
Sep 8, 2018
And in many other Muslim-majority countries the situation is very similar, though maybe not as legally black-and-white as in the KSA.
Level 71
Mar 1, 2021
Couldn't many of the migrant laborers in Saudi Arabia also be considered slaves? Many of them work in grueling conditions for barely any pay and are essentially trapped in the country because their passports have been seized.
Level 87
Sep 8, 2018
Huh. A little surprised to see North Korea at the top. Not because I had thought it was such a wonderful place, but because I had pictured it as a place where the quality of life is just generally bad for everyone. But I guess for some it's even worse :(
Level 67
Mar 23, 2020
Prison camps hold close to 200,000 people, North Korea also sends slaves abroad for money.
Level 90
Sep 8, 2018
Anecdotally, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait should be here.
Level 56
Sep 8, 2018
This is sad. I feel bad for these people who still live as slaves.
Level 78
Sep 8, 2018
Do these stats include prison labor?
Level 71
Sep 8, 2018
no, if it did there would be way more countries on the list, most notably the US
Level 50
Sep 8, 2018
Woah so North Korea is top without the prison Labour.
Level 65
Sep 8, 2018
Interesting. Is there a quiz on countries with the most slavery by just the numbers? A 1.40% for India is huge! (~20 million!)
Level 32
Jun 6, 2021
Quizzes like this but with just the total number of people aren’t interesting at all.
Level 50
Sep 8, 2018
I thought China would be on there. I didn't expect north Korea to be there even though it was my first guess because it often doesn't have statistics for these things. Didn't know about Uzbekistan.
Level 67
Sep 10, 2018
Surely there is something in the methodology here accounting for 11 countries at exactly 1.13%???
Level 71
Mar 1, 2021
Yeah, that confused me too. It doesn't seem like it can just be a coincidence.
Level 35
Sep 13, 2018
I did not know Qatar suffered from slavery.
Level 76
Oct 3, 2019
Level 60
Apr 4, 2020
Wow...that's sad...I didn't know Qatar was that kind of country.
Level 47
Mar 22, 2019
It's a fine line between being in chains and having the freedom to leave and starve to death.
Level 96
Jul 28, 2019
Is human trafficking not considered slavery?

I would expect to see some first world countries on the list if it were.

Level 81
Jan 14, 2020
Many people who are victims of human trafficking were slaves either in the place they were trafficked from or become slaves in the place they are trafficked to, but not always, and it's a separate thing.
Level 60
Apr 4, 2020
Very uncomfortable quiz. This makes me very sad.
Level 73
Nov 8, 2021
very confused to not see saudi arabia and the UAE
Level 67
Sep 24, 2022
Tried China, since they do have a huge slave population, especially Uighurs, but I guess proportionally speaking, it's a low percentage.
Level 59
Oct 4, 2022
How is this data collated?
Level 54
Jun 12, 2023
surprising to see qatar so few guessed, especially since world cup 2022
Level 65
Jul 30, 2023
My first instinct was China, because of the Uighur concentration camps, then I tried it and facepalmed.
Level 73
Sep 3, 2024
Typical liberal lmao. China bad ceeceepee
Level 38
Nov 12, 2024
Level 16
Aug 12, 2023
Level 63
Sep 3, 2024
It's a relessness quiz. It's never getting updated
Level 91
Apr 19, 2024
Yes, this quiz could use a massive update. See this from the Global Slavery Index website:

“An estimated 50 million people were living in situations of modern slavery on any given day in 2021, according to the latest Global Estimates of Modern Slavery. Of these people, approximately 27.6 million were in forced labour and 22 million were in forced marriages.”

Making the top ten in this year were also Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Turkey, Tajikistan, Russia and last, but definitely not least, Eritrea, where it seems most of the country are forced into near-permanent military service.

Level ∞
Apr 19, 2024
We might just remove it. It seems impossible to fix. Russia and Ukraine also employ conscription.
Level 62
Sep 4, 2024
How is the USA not on here? By far the highest prison population in the world, and a well-known history of African-American slavery.
Level 38
Nov 12, 2024
But but where are the evil western countries? 👀