
European Geography By Letter - H

Can you guess these European geographical answers that start with the letter H?
Quiz by relessness
Last updated: December 18, 2019
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First submittedJune 4, 2014
Times taken86,684
Average score60.0%
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Capital of Finland
London's main airport
Germany's second-largest city
River in Yorkshire and the
"king's town" that sits upon it
Landlocked country
City home to the government of
the Netherlands
The Hague
Byzantine church that is a major
landmark in Istanbul
Hagia Sophia
Where William the Conqueror
defeated Harold in 1066
Bosnia and __________
Capital of Crete
The counties surrounding London
Home Counties
Netherlands region often confused
with the country as a whole
Roman wall built to keep out Picts
Hadrian's Wall
Scottish archipelago of 100+ islands,
inner and outer
German state that Hessians come from
Park in London where
Speakers' Corner can be found
Hyde Park
Mountainous region of Scotland
Croatia in Croatian
Art museum in St. Petersburg
Britain's royal family originally came
from this city in Lower Saxony
Level 92
Jul 22, 2014
Too Euro-centric.
Level 43
Jul 22, 2014
European quizzes tend to be Euro-centric.
Level 76
Apr 30, 2016
I find it very Scotland-centric! Also Netherlands and German centric.
Level 78
Apr 8, 2020
There are more questions relating to England than Scotland, or any other country. So, maybe too UK-centric?
Level 72
Oct 9, 2021
Unfortunately for people from outside the Anglosphere, many quizes on this website are anglophonocentric and the difficulty of some questions relating to the USA or UK is so high for people from outside these cultures, that if you gave an equally difficult question about a place that barely has any Jetpunk users, I bet less than 1% of Jetpunk users would know the answer to many of those.

Though I understand that this is the English language section of Jetpunk and the quizes can't be too easy for people from the USA or UK too.

Level 56
Dec 31, 2016
There's not a single question about euros.
Level 73
Dec 31, 2016
not enough questions on Cyprus for my liking
Level 77
Dec 18, 2019
"Which country is split in half between Greek and Turkish sides" - Answer: Kyprus
Level 74
Jan 6, 2017
Too Geography-oriented
Level 80
Dec 20, 2020
Geographical quizzes tend to be Geography-centric.
Level 49
Apr 12, 2020
I would even say too UK centric.

For me, it is amazing that more people knew Scottish archipelago than Hermitage.

Level 74
Jul 22, 2014
Found this one difficult, but mad at self for not even seeing last clue.
Level 71
Jul 22, 2014
could you accept Heracleon, please?
Level 69
Jul 23, 2014
please don't
Level 70
Jan 3, 2017
Oh gods, why would you... no: I second that - please don't.
Level 74
Nov 16, 2015
my dad is from hull
Level 80
Jan 8, 2016
Level 84
Dec 18, 2019
They don't begin with H though.
Level 80
Apr 5, 2021
Why is one unlucky if one is born in Hull?
Level 69
Dec 3, 2024
This exact sequence of commentd happens on the European Geography by Letter - K quiz
Level 50
Dec 31, 2016
Nice to have a quiz with more British clues/answers.
Level 37
Dec 31, 2016
Can you accept Humber, as Kingston-Upon-Hull sits on the point where the two rivers meet, so although it technically does sit on the river Hull, I believe Humber should also accept it as a lot of sources list it as being on the Humber. Otherwise, great quiz!
Level 91
Dec 31, 2016
Well, no, because there's no such town as Kingston-upon-Humber, and the question does mention the town as well.
Level 48
Dec 31, 2016
Too America-centric.
Level 46
Dec 31, 2016
cant spell Bosnia and _______________
Level 74
Apr 8, 2020
Same here. I tried about ten different ways - and all of them adding an i before the last letter which explains why none of them worked.
Level 81
Apr 9, 2020
Easy to get lazy about that when you never have to spell it on Jetpunk
Level 66
Jan 2, 2017
Shoot. Thought it was the Helbrides. Oh well.
Level 80
Mar 20, 2019
It's spelt Hebrides and pronounced /ˈhɛbrɪdiːz/ (HEBrideez).
Level 82
Jan 16, 2017
8/20 (40%) of all the questions are UK related. For UK you need to know every small detail, for the other countries just the name (Hrvatska, Holland, Hercegovina, Hungary). I guess the author is British, but this quiz is way too much UK-centered.
Level 80
Mar 20, 2019
Well it's an English quiz
Level 59
Jun 8, 2020
Why don't you give us some examples of what quetions to use instead? Something that at leas 1/3 of people would be able to answer, not that you would be zoomed in on a map, looking for some random village names or something.
Level 82
Aug 13, 2020
Ok, here are the suggestions to make the quiz a little less UK-centric: Helsingør is a Danish city where Shakespeare's Hamlet takes place - that's why the castle is called Elsinore in the play (the actual name of the castle is Kronborg). I think that could make a very interesting question. Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany's oldest and one of Europe's most reputable universities. Huelva is a city in Spain, home to Recreativo de Huelva, the oldest football club in Spain, founded in 1889. Haarlem is a city in The Netherlands, quite important in the 16-17 century, which gave its name to a very well known neighborhood of New York. Halle is a German city with a well known tennis tournament, one of the rare tournaments to still be held on grass. Haliacmon is the longest river in Greece. Is that good enough?

P.S. I am not a psychopath, so I didn't suggest Hungarian city of Hódmezővásárhely, but that's also a nice place, I've even been there...

Level 80
Apr 7, 2023
I doubt that a third of English JetPunk users would get any of those you suggested (with the possible exception of Haarlem, but probably only if 'Harlem' is accepted as a type-in).
Level 82
May 5, 2023
Well that's too bad. I am not a huge geography nerd, and it was all from memory (not all the data of course, but I've googled the things that came to my mind). And if they can't answer these questions, than they just have to admit they aren't that good at a quiz appropriately named "European geography by letter - H", which they took of their own free will. I've missed 96 at a featured quiz named "100 largest cities of New Zealand", but I really don't intend to complain about that. It was what it said it was.
Level 36
Jan 30, 2017
Sorry, but aren't Andorra, Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein also landlocked countries?
Level 46
Jan 30, 2017
If only there was another clue, possibly in the title, which could help you work out which country was the answer.
Level 87
Mar 3, 2017
And they ALL begin with H.
Level 70
Dec 18, 2019
Nah, only Helvetia is a valid answer. And the Habsburg Monarchy has not been landlocked...
Level 80
Mar 20, 2019
And also Lesotho—the little country surrounded by South Africa and starts with the letter L!
Level 75
Feb 10, 2017
Why can I never remember how to spell Herzegovina?
Level 78
Apr 8, 2020
Because in most quizzes you don't have to. Usually, we only need to write "Bosnia", and auto-fill does it for us. So it's nice that for once, we are forced to write it out - and accept our spelling shortcomings!
Level 67
May 8, 2023
The quiz should accept Hercegovina as well but it doesn't.
Level 23
Mar 13, 2017
i never get the question about William the Conqueror right!
Level 67
May 6, 2017
Level 66
Dec 6, 2021
bless you.
Level 38
Feb 12, 2019
Randomly guessed hessia, and got it!
Level 70
Mar 15, 2019
Please for The Hague/Den Haag accept 's Gravenhage, the official name for the city.
Level 84
Dec 18, 2019
G is not H.
Level 72
Sep 19, 2019
The Hague definitely does NOT start with an H, in dutch it is Den Haag or 's Gravenhage (the article has become unrecognizable and fully integrated into the name). The Hague starts as much with an H as New York starts with an Y or Los Angeles start with an A (or even less so) or Buenos Aires with an A.
Level 76
Dec 18, 2019
There's a difference between New York and Buenos Aires on one side, which very much start with a N and a B and then Los Angeles and The Hague where it can be argued that they start with an A and an H respectively when you ignore the articles.
Level 70
Dec 18, 2019
And why should you ignore well established parts of a (English) name? It is "Los Angeles", even in Russian language where there are no articles at all!. (Though The Hague is called article-freely "Gaaga" in Russian... :-D )
Level 79
Jun 1, 2022
Because it is normal to ignore articles when compiling an index or dictionary and also if you don't in quizzes, you end up with an awful lot of places starting with "T" for the, L for La etc.
Level 63
Dec 19, 2019
This quiz is in English. "The" is an article and articles don't count on these quizzes - ever.
Level 74
Apr 8, 2020
Unless they're written in Spanish, which was the point he was trying to make, I think - Los Angeles, Las Vegas, etc.
Level 86
Dec 18, 2019
Oh, Hull.
Level 63
Dec 19, 2019
I was surprised to see Hannover in its German spelling with two "n".
Level 66
Jan 24, 2020
There's actually not really a region in the Netherlands that's called Holland, you've got North and South Holland
Level 78
Apr 8, 2020
Sure Holland is a region. North and South Holland are provinces.
Level 79
Apr 8, 2020
In the US, there is a region called New England, but no state called New England. There is a region called the Carolinas, which is North and South Carolina together. Holland can be both North and South Holland.
Level 80
Apr 3, 2020
The Scottish Highlands are such a beautiful abd serene place, where one finds an occasional pond, castle, or a herd of Highland cattle. I went there several years ago.
Level 74
Apr 8, 2020
Highland cattle are cool.They've been importing them to the US for decades and there's an American Highland Cattle Association now. Thank you, Scotland.
Level 80
Apr 8, 2020
Level 80
Apr 8, 2020
and* !!!
Level 69
Oct 12, 2020
Also, whisky, I'm told!
Level 88
Apr 8, 2020
Who didn't just guess Hessia for Hessians?
Level 72
Jan 12, 2023
Me, who already knew about Hesse.
Level 26
Apr 8, 2020
Can you accept Highland and not just Highlands? Good quiz though
Level 75
Nov 23, 2020
Even the Dutch government confuses The Netherlands and Holland. It's just another name for the country, get used to it...!
Level 47
Feb 22, 2022
Wow! All of these started with H!
Level 81
Apr 28, 2022
Excellent mix of well known, somewhat known, and hardly known. Very challenging.
Level 38
Apr 7, 2023
Seems like the guy who did that is British, there's like 6 questions about the UK that are extremely specific but zero mention of countries even like Italy or Spain
Level 83
Jun 24, 2023
Places beginning with H are rarer in Romance-speaking areas than in Germanic ones, and much less likely to be well-known.
Level 71
Dec 16, 2024
Tried so many similar iterations of Hrvatska but couldn't manage to get it even with autocorrect