It is one of the most beautiful areas in the world. Great for camping *except that one time my entire campsite got flooded with rain and we had to go home early
Thank you, Jane Austen, for giving me Lake District. I've never heard of the names in the clue, but in Pride and Prejudice I remember the Gardiners taking Elizabeth on a tour and they originally planned to visit the Lake District. It was the only thing I could think of and I got lucky.
Dude... I tried Lutheric, Lutherism, Luthism, Luthanian, Lutheristic, and even LUTHERIAN, and so much more....... Do you accept anything else than Lutheran?
where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond...
I immediately had the song in mind ^^ But I kind of blacked out on Lyon and Limerick (maybe too distracted by the song XD )