Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Country led by the pope | Vatican City | 99%
Capital of Austria | Vienna | 99%
Italian city famous for canals | Venice | 97%
Volcano that destroyed Pompeii | Vesuvius | 83%
Residence of King Louis XIV | Versailles | 78%
Third biggest city in Spain | Valencia | 75%
Longest river in Europe | Volga | 73%
Capital of Lithuania | Vilnius | 72%
Capital of Malta | Valletta | 70%
City of "Romeo and Juliet" in northern Italy | Verona | 66%
Capital of Liechtenstein | Vaduz | 62%
The above, in Italian | Venezia | 57%
Term for an Italian country home | Villa | 57%
City formerly called Stalingrad | Volgograd | 51%
Capital of unoccupied France during WWII | Vichy | 50%
Term for the home of an Anglican parish leader | Vicarage | 22%
Bulgarian resort city on the Black Sea | Varna | 21%
Longest river in Poland | Vistula | 20%
Capital of Castile and León | Valladolid | 17%
City on the island of Gotland | Visby | 12%
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