I finished the main part of the united states with 2 minutes less, when i finally finished with one minute left because i couldn't figure out the last two states. (Hawaii and Alaska) 0-o :)> :3
Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine. If you do it in that order (with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska, of course) your next answer will always border your previous answer.
Five of the bottom 12 least guessed are in New England. Is that because people are going left to right (I always do New England last) or do people struggle more with New England geography? Except for Maine, but its bigger and conspicuously at the top.
What is a great response to: "What is the capital of New England?" Or much worse: "What is the capital of Africa?" ---
Don't like your own comment? Maybe you should delete it. --- Oh, the heart shape turns red; indicates "like". What a clever idea. --- And the +# indicates the number of "likes", not number of "badges".
I tend to know the places best to which I've travelled, and that's not New England. Perhaps the reason is that there aren't popular tourist destinations in New England?
I always type the states in the order of Fifty Nifty (alphabetically). But I hate Fifty Nifty, "The Fifty States That Rhyme" is 100x better and it's also in alphabetical order.
I try to challenge myself by naming them in order of statehood. I get from 1-38, but I always mix up a few states between 39-43 until I pick myself back up for a victory lap with 44-50.
I don’t really see a difference about blank and not blank. Maybe make a harder one where it’s black but when you name a state it doesn’t show up so you don’t know what you have already guessed so maybe you could do that.
I know that DC isn't a state, but you should create a version of this with the states, territories, and DC all included. Other than that, thank you for the great work!
Don't like your own comment? Maybe you should delete it. --- Oh, the heart shape turns red; indicates "like". What a clever idea. --- And the +# indicates the number of "likes", not number of "badges".
- first try -
I'm from Ohio. We don't like to mention "that state up north." LOL