I agree. If Switzerland is on the list, then surely Liechtenstein, which lies nested between it and Austria should be on the list....unless of course the eastern most point of Switzerland extends further east than the eastern most point of the Principality.
....which it does. (I looked it up after I finished typing the unless....)
Yes I thought that too and when I looked it up noticed there’s a mountain called piz buin. Never knew sun cream was named after a mountain until this quiz 😂
Is it me, or does anyone else have something they type when they don't know what to type, because I type China. So my thought process was "Slovakia, Austria.... uh Serbia... uh uh Ukraine... ummm uh uh CHINA!"
Monaco is much further away - check a map. This quiz series uses the closest points of each country to each other, and Davos, St Moritz and everywhere in Switzerland east of those places are closer to Hungary than Liechtenstein.
....which it does. (I looked it up after I finished typing the unless....)