This quiz is inspired by the pencil-and-paper game Battleship which requires some skill and some luck to win. We thought it would be fun to do a Jetpunk quiz that has a chance element as well to it! This is another way of saying "Yes, when it gets down to one or no borders it's pretty hit and miss - it's supposed to be!"
Good fun! But, reguarding the 'no-borders' I think the analogy with battleship isn't perfect because in battleship you can guess the small ship while trying to guess the other ones. How about giving some small hint, for example saying which of the other 8 countries is the closest to it? (eg in this case 'country with 2 borders' is the closest)
The comparison with Battleship is that in both that game and this quiz, you are being asked to find 8 groups of connected dots with the degree of difficulty rising as the group gets smaller. I've played versions of Battleship where the smallest "ship" was also one square in size, which is analogous to the one-country group here.
But in Battleship when you guess a square, you know it may hit either a big ship or a small one, including the one square ship. In this game, the borderless countries are 'separated' from the rest: when you type for example Germany, you know you may be hitting many "ships" (including the 1-border country Denmark), but the borderless are completely separated from the rest of the quiz
One complaint - while your previous quizzes have been updated, this one still says Macedonia and Czech Republic (almost missed Czechia!). Otherwise a great quiz! I'd like to make a sequel if you'll allow it.
Finished! I couldn't keep the first column from getting cramped since I think my answers are too long, but the rest of the formatting should be identical. Let me know if you spot any differences.
It's here: