This is great work, and I like the time chosen. I had 8 seconds left, but I was going pretty quick. It's just long enough to give you a second to think, but not so much that you can really hesitate.
On another note- why is it listed as "Czechia" Is Czech Republic not the universally recognized name?
I failed to follow the news completely, but saw some about them wanting to change the English name to Czechia as it was less cumbersome than Czech Republic. So, I can't say if they did it or were just thinking of it.
Czechia is their officially accepted short name. Like (the) Congo is the short name for the Republic of the Congo or China is the short name for the People's Republic of China.
I just took this again and was amused by the comment, until I realized it was my own! I heard about the change a few weeks ago and I love it. Thanks for a great answer.
I couldn't think what the hell the UK could be - I'd already got Ukraine so it wasn't UK! With just a second to go I suddenly remembered that the "U" actually stands for "united"...
Spot on with the amount of time :) Got close the first time, took a few tries then I got it :) (I kept getting stuck on lithuania also being liechtenstein, it thres me for atleast 2 attempts, then saw what the problem was ( but then I had it with sweden switzerland, but only for one round ( cause after doing about half of the countries I tend to look at the map. The first ones are pretty much in order in my head, (especially norway, sweden, finland, and estonia latvia lithuania) after that I go a bit more random.
What do you mean? You type "SL" and you get Slovenia and Slovakia. You type "BE" and you get Belarus and Belgium. Or maybe I misunderstood your question?
If I had a nickel for every time a European country started with an "Sw," I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
How about countries in Europe by 2 letters with fewest possible entries? Or some sort of combination of time and # of entries. Otherwise way too easy of a quiz.
I think this website needs a spoiler alert function on some postings - keen quizzers would have to click a second time to read all the how-to's, like you've very well described here! :)
This quiz has been around since before Macedonia renamed itself North Macedonia, so these percentages also include the period when "NO" just gave you the point for Norway.
On another note- why is it listed as "Czechia" Is Czech Republic not the universally recognized name?
Belarus and Belgium?
-mo (monaco, moldova & montenegro)
-sw (sweden & switzerland)
-li (liechtenstein & lithuania)
-sl (slovenia & slovakia)
-no (norway & north macedonia)
-be (belgium & belarus)
-po (poland & portugal)