So why is the Arabic ليبيا transliterated in English as Libya, and not Libia? It seems inconsistent to have an i in one place and a y in the other. On the other hand, if English spellers can concoct Kyrgyzstan then Lybya might have been a goer as well.
I'm one of the two-thirds who missed Saudi Arabia. I wonder why it was more difficult to get than the others? After seeing the answer I couldn't believe it wasn't the first one I thought of.
I got Colombia because of the thumbnail then went immediately to Africa because there are multiple countries with similar names there (Namibia, Gambia, Zambia). Serbia and Saudi Arabia were the odd ones out and I got the latter first because I thought of European countries before Middle Eastern ones.
Wow. I got Saudi Arabia first and then Serbia. The only one I struggled on was Namibia. Seems I did it in the completely opposite order to the way most people did!
Somehow, Namibia popped straight into my head, but I dismissed it because of the i before the b - which makes absolutely no sense, but it still ended up being the only I missed because I didn't even try it.
That was fun. I would've guessed that more than 6 existed.
Do you all have to go country-to-country in your heads?
For me, the only one that came to mind was Serbia. Then, I had to begin filling out a world map in my head in order to determine the remaining countries.
Kanye Reference ?!???!
Do you all have to go country-to-country in your heads?
For me, the only one that came to mind was Serbia. Then, I had to begin filling out a world map in my head in order to determine the remaining countries.