It doesn't make any sense to lump all of the various forms of German teams together, because they were two distinct countries for many of the Games. Further, the Unified team (ex USSR) shouldn't be lumped in with the USSR tallies, because it wasn't the USSR anymore. Nor should it be lumped in with Russia, because there were competitors from 12 of the 15 Soviet Republics. If you're going to include defunct things like Serbia and Montenegro and Australasia, you should revise to include all of the teams in the history of the games.
Where a country has fractured into new ones, obviously we need to list that pre-breakup country - it would be impossible to work out which new country any medals could be allocated to. However, where the reverse happens - where old countries have merging into newer ones - it makes sense (to us, anyway) to put them all under the umbrella of the newer nation. We did think of taking your approach when the quiz was set, and decided that what we've gone with was the least worst of the options.
(At least as of 2023. If you're visiting this after their surprise gold medal in Men's Individual Golf at the 2068 summer games in Bangkok, then I apologize.)
But in the context of this quiz? They're not on it. Which is appropriate, since they've never won a gold medal, only a silver.
(At least as of 2023. If you're visiting this after their surprise gold medal in Men's Individual Golf at the 2068 summer games in Bangkok, then I apologize.)