helllooooo ? Again this debate ?? Althought Cyprus belongs to the UE, is politically bounded to Europe and all its sports teams plays in european leagues (as Israel, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Kazakhstan, for example), Cyprus is GEOGRAPHICALLY an asian country... take it as it is.
I've followed the Cyprus thread with amusement and interest today! What no-one seems to be picking up on is that continents are completely artificial constructs. There is no "official" delimitation of continental borders; there is no benefit to a country whether it gets grouped in with one continent or other, and most ludicrously, despite continents being loosely grouped around giant landmasses, people seem to want to shoehorn island countries into being a part of one continent or another. You see, for example, Trinidad & Tobago, geologically and geographically connected to South America, being classed as "North America" on many websites (including this one). Cue debates about Cyprus, Seychelles, and bordering areas like whether Egypt encroaches on Asia and Indonesia is partly in Oceania (via the island of New Guinea). All good fun, but most importantly, let's accept there is no "correct" location for Cyprus. It's kinda Europe and kinda Asia, that's all.
I'm not even a veteran(Only about a year) and I quickly learned, No palestine, Kosovo and Taiwan are countries, Cyprus=Asia, Russia=Europe...It doesn't take that long to learn how stuff works. I guess things can be debated over but the Cyprus debate has been far worn out on this site.
Did you take that year to research the issue and come to your own conclusions? Or did you just spend a year learning how to parrot what you hear? I'd like to encourage every quizzer, when they hear a claim about anything, to go and do some research and decide for themselves.
It's not that I haven't done my own research, I do understand that there isn't always a correct answer. In fact now typing this out I'm realizing that my argument that I was going to give is flawed. I was going to say that guidelines for the site are needed, but obviously people are entitled to their own opinions. You saying this did actually help me realize I was wrong. I've started doing research on all topics I argue about online.
It's not that we consider Turkey part of Europe, It's that part of Turkey is Europe, the part of Turkey Cyprus is close to is Asian. I do understand the confusion though.
i completely disagree with that statement. many of these have been countries for centuries. they all have their own history, and some even have some ethnical and cultural differences.
So if we can find ethnic or cultural differences between Manhattan and Harlem they should be spun off in to independent countries? That's stupid. Grow up and learn to get along with your neighbors better.
Normally I agree with most of Kal's controversial comments and the other times he has convinced me but this is just one I disagree with(obviously I'm still open to being convinced). Europe has had many of those micronations for a while.
@kalbahamut You can't compare neighborhoods in an ethnically diverse city to a country, especially in a country that did not start from ethnic reasons.
Not any semi-organised circle of cottages. Just ones that happen to be the headquarters of the world's largest religious organisation, are tax havens for the leaders of other countries, are shoved up a mountain somewhere or on a remote island so that nobody can be bothered to conquer them, or some combination of the above (I can't imagine the UK, Ireland, Denmark or Portugal come under the category of circles of cottages). The list would only be so short for continental North America because they will allow any roughly-sliced third of a continent with a few extra disconnected appendages added on based on who will sell it, with little in common except a common language, currency and government (whose power is often delegated to local governments) be a "country" there.
Because Central America is basically one large isthmus, and the area of the continent north of Central America is remarkably united. Plus there are a lot of Caribbean island nations. So almost every country in North America borders few or no other countries. Very different reasons.
I'm sorry, but you are forgetting the POLITICAL REASONS that places become countries. Nobody would just make a driveway as an internationally recognized country. It would have to exist for specific reasons. Ask someone else, "why does Monaco exist," or "Liechtenstein," or "Andorra," or any country you believe exists just because they "let it exist."
No matter what your personal belief is about Cyprus, this site considers it part of Asia. If you don't like it then stop taking quizzes on this site. Get over it already.
Hey! Chill out grumpy Bear! Just cos this website says something doesn't mean it's true! We give it our best shot, but some answers are debatable, and people are welcome to debate them! You can disagree with answers on this site and still enjoy doing the quizzes.
I've taken the train over it (it's actually a double-decker bridge, with the rail line on the lower deck, and the road on the top deck). And I vote for big :)
No... but the redundant adjective was there to underline the point that canals are not natural features of the landscape, for those who might not be familiar with the precise definition.
Seriously guys? I mean, how hard is to look at a map before you emabrass yourself? You are already connected to the internet and on a device that can display a map.
I have a feeling one of these days, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan will be considered European countries--given their politics and geographic location, among other things. If that happens, the world will recognize them as such, but I'm wondering if this site will. Years ago, I "knew" Cyprus was Asian. In later years, most of the sources I found indicated it was European. People on this site are so hung up on geographical location as the sole determiner for this country. If you want to argue that Cyprus is Asian for the purposes of this site, that's great. But at some point, you have to drop your stubborn hold, and consider Cyprus for what she is--European (or at least Eurasian). And you contradict yourselves by representing Taiwan and Kosovo as countries, when they are not in the UN. If your basis for Cyprus is geography, what's your basis for country vs non-country?
Wikipedia: "The British Overseas Territories are fourteen territories with a constitutional and historical link with the United Kingdom. They are the last remnants of the former British Empire and do not form part of the United Kingdom itself."
The second half of that comment is not true. And even if the "entirety" of this website did state that, that would not make it true. On that point, please also check our comments above dated 24 Jan 2018 and 9 April 2020.
As nearly all the veterans of this site know, Cyprus is geographically located in Asia, regardless of political or cultural connections to Europe.
Aso, Denmark technically is connected with Sweden via the Øresund Bridge giving it two land borders.
Ireland, Spain, Cyprus
Cyprus is not in Europe according to JetPunk
But UK has still 2