hint | answer | % Correct |
played with a ball on grass, or a puck on ice | hockey | 97%
a pound of this is the life's work of 1000 bees | honey | 96%
horse racing rider | jockey | 88%
lawyer | attorney | 79%
organ of the body | kidney | 76%
there are 260 species of this primate | monkey | 75%
ask people questions from a questionnaire | survey | 64%
a color, in England at least | grey | 55%
lives in London's East End | cockney | 52%
Liz, Hugh's ex | Hurley | 50%
Homer had a 10-year one | odyssey | 50%
W, in alpha-bravo-charlie lingo | whiskey | 50%
vegetable used as a garnish | parsley | 49%
large hawk that feeds on fish | osprey | 48%
tune that combines several songs | medley | 47%
insincere, or fake, person | phoney | 42%
Homer's one was a long, grand version of this | journey | 33%
English county | Surrey | 33%
Joe Biden's politer term for bullshit | malarkey | 20%
a yes-man, or offsider who does menial work | flunkey | 8%
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