word | % Correct | |
hospital employee | nurse | 90%
what Pavarotti was | tenor | 84%
Earth's top land layer | crust | 72%
35.3 of these per kilogram | ounce | 72%
lurer of sailors to shipwreck | siren | 71%
final university year | senior | 68%
on-board ship holiday | cruise | 67%
the Far East | the {Orient} | 64%
Italian city on Po River | Turin | 54%
6-legged critter | insect | 47%
remove politically suspect text | censor | 38%
a sign, or to become aware of | notice | 37%
sexy, arousing | erotic | 36%
long bench where café diners eat | counter | 29%
water-holding tank | cistern | 28%
capital of Normandy | Rouen | 26%
potential lover | suitor | 24%
regular habitual behavior | routine | 20%
stupid person | cretin | 16%
over-anxious and unstable | neurotic | 16%
9-letter word | COUNTRIES | 15%
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