clue | word | % Correct |
sale where the highest bidder buys | auction | 93%
wanting to kill oneself | suicidal | 88%
bird of prey | falcon | 83%
this letter style | italic | 82%
relating to water (A7) | aquatic | 75%
screw up the eyes to try to see more clearly | squint | 72%
antonym of fact | fiction | 71%
to find not guilty | acquit | 69%
of Latin-American descent | Latino | 67%
South American capital | Quito | 61%
to become familiar with (A8) | acquaint | 60%
attractively unusual or old-fashioned (Q6) | quaint | 60%
converting a company's assets into cash (L11) | liquidation | 58%
of the sea (N8) | nautical | 58%
African country | Tunisia | 54%
brazenly show off (F6) | flaunt | 51%
African country | Sudan | 43%
extremely dirty due to poverty (S7) | squalid | 40%
person with single-minded zeal (F7) | fanatic | 36%
a shambolic messy failure (F6) | fiasco | 18%
16-letter word | DISQUALIFICATION | 15%