Hint | Word | % Correct |
Of languages | Linguistic | 89%
Having a talent for painting pictures | Artistic | 88%
Become irrationally furious | Go {ballistic} | 87%
Having a belief in a positive future | Optimistic | 79%
Numerical result, usually from a population sample | Statistic | 79%
Type of medicine based on natural remedies, eg naturopathy | Holistic | 68%
Pleasure-seeking | Hedonistic | 65%
Having a belief in accepting things as they are | Realistic | 59%
In the style of Monet, Renoir, Degas | Impressionistic | 54%
Having a belief in a perfect world | Idealistic | 45%
Devoted to others' welfare | Altruistic | 43%
Using a gentle word for a difficult concept, eg "pass away" for "die" | Euphemistic | 41%
Self-harming | Masochistic | 35%
Supportive of exclusive control of market commodities | Monopolistic | 30%
Hostile, oppositional, unfriendly | Antagonistic | 29%
Acting like a benevolent, maybe controlling, parent towards others | Paternalistic | 24%
Showing independence in thought and action | Individualistic | 19%
Arrogantly asserting the superiority of your nationality or gender | Chauvinistic | 16%
Zealously promoting a cause, often a religion | Evangelistic | 10%
Seeking to impose one's values on others | Moralistic | 3%
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