Chad is an African country with four letters that has been overlooked.
Also, Iraq is not spelt 'Irak' (as the quizmaster has it), it's spelt the way I've just typed it [Iraq], and India is five letters, spelt like that [India], and NOT 'Inde' (as the quizmaster has it).
Les autres via mon profil !
premier coup
Also, Iraq is not spelt 'Irak' (as the quizmaster has it), it's spelt the way I've just typed it [Iraq], and India is five letters, spelt like that [India], and NOT 'Inde' (as the quizmaster has it).
La meuf ne fait que des quiz en anglais quasiment et a l'air d'être accidentellement tombée sur des quiz en français et d'autres langues.
Sinon bon quiz ;)