letters | country | % Correct |
9 (starting with A-L) | Argentina | Australia | Guatemala Indonesia | Lithuania | 95%
10 | Kazakhstan | 83%
12 | Turkmenistan | 83%
9 (starting with M-Z) | Mauritius | Nicaragua Singapore | Venezuela | 82%
10 | Uzbekistan | 81%
10 | Tajikistan | 79%
13 | Liechtenstein | 78%
11 | Afghanistan | 77%
10 | Kyrgyzstan | 77%
10 | Luxembourg | 65%
10 | Mozambique | 64%
10 | Azerbaijan | 63%
10 | Mauritania | 56%
10 | Madagascar | 55%
11 | Philippines | 52%
11 | Switzerland | 49%
11 | Netherlands | 44%
10 | Bangladesh | 42%
10 | Montenegro | 39%
10 | Seychelles | 29%
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