Oh all who believe, ask for help with patience and prayers.
Do not call those who are killed in the way of God as dead.
In fact, they are alive, but you do not realise this.
Indeed, we will test you with something - fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives, and fruits
and give glad tidings to those who are patient in trial when those who are afflicted with calamity say,
"Verily, we belong to God, and truly to him we shall return."
Oh Lord, our honourable Prime Minister has said that
Friday 15 March was one of the darkest days in New Zealand's history.
Oh Lord, make this day a source of light for this country and the entire world -
the light which unites us all as one family.
Oh Lord, our Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Governor-General, Speaker of the House, many other MPs, the police, mayors of Wellington, Christchurch and other cities, the medical staff in Christchurch, other organisations and religious groups, and all New Zealanders have dedicated their time and effort to help and support us.
Oh Lord, I ask you to help and bless them all, and reward them accordingly.
Oh Lord, we ask you to accept those who lost their lives as martyrs, and give them the highest position in paradise.
Oh Lord, we ask you to give full recovery to all those who were injured.
Oh Lord, we ask you to grant patience and hope to all the family members affected by this tragedy.
Oh Lord, we ask you to protect New Zealand and the whole world from such calamities. Amen.