Nearest misses: Argentina, Austria, Benin, Burma, (Republic of the) Congo, Costa Rica, Finland, Italy, Lebanon, Portugal, Russia, Tunisia, Vietnam and Yemen. If there are any that you think have missed this list, please let me know! Remember that offshore islands, especially distant small ones, are excluded.
Hmm, an L-shaped country, which makes calculating the ratio tricky! Ratios have been calculated by taking a line running the length of the country (the greatest end-to-end distance) and noting its length and direction. The "width" has been calculated as the greatest distance across the country, on a line roughly perpendicular to the first one. On that basis, Somalia is 2.21, outside the Top 20. But if you use a line at any angle that feels like it's going from one side of Somalia to the other along it's L-shaped length, the ratio would be 3.30, 13th on the list.
Indeed, I just did a (very) rough check on Google Earth using the measuring tool, and granted my methodology isn't going to be quite identical to the quiz-setter's, but based on their above comment it should be close. And I came up with ~ 2,156km longest dimension x 575km perpendicular, which gives a ratio of about 3.75 ...?
I'm somewhat surprised about Benin missing the list.
How are some of these answers on here (like the second and third)? Don't the second answer and some others have more width than length and therefore have a ratio under 1? Or is it length ÷ width or width ÷ length?
Can you set type-ins to Auto? I missed NZ.
Indeed, I just did a (very) rough check on Google Earth using the measuring tool, and granted my methodology isn't going to be quite identical to the quiz-setter's, but based on their above comment it should be close. And I came up with ~ 2,156km longest dimension x 575km perpendicular, which gives a ratio of about 3.75 ...?
How are some of these answers on here (like the second and third)? Don't the second answer and some others have more width than length and therefore have a ratio under 1? Or is it length ÷ width or width ÷ length?