Nearest misses: Seoul, Canberra (5401.53 km /3356.35 mi) and Pyongyang (5401.62 km / 3356.41 mi). Those measurements are parliament building-to-parliament-building, all of which are centrally located in their capitals. The 90 metre/100 yard difference in distance means that the parliamentary grounds of Pyongyang and Canberra would overlap if placed at one end of a straight line from Jakarta.
These results seem extremely high. I know there are people who know the world capitals very well, but I feel like 84% of people knowing that Bandar Seri Begawan is the capital of Brunei is ridiculous. Maybe I need to brush up on my Asian capitals...or maybe more people need to take this quiz.
Type ins are harsh - my usual misspelling of Pnom Pen didn't work - I assume this means "Auto" type-ins weren't used or didn't exist when this quiz was made.