"This Will Be The Day" was only RWBY's theme song for Volume 1, fix/remove that.
You spelled Crescent Rose, Jaune & Beowolf wrong.
Some of the answers have the second letter of a word capitalized.
The hints "huntress and hunter first school" and "huntress and hunter second school" could be better, for example, "a primary combat school located on the island of Patch" for Signal, and "Vale's huntsman academy" for Beacon.
What does "Yang goes by many [Names]" have to do with anything?
This quiz could definitely be longer.
Fix all that and you'll have a pretty good quiz here.
"This Will Be The Day" was only RWBY's theme song for Volume 1, fix/remove that.
You spelled Crescent Rose, Jaune & Beowolf wrong.
Some of the answers have the second letter of a word capitalized.
The hints "huntress and hunter first school" and "huntress and hunter second school" could be better, for example, "a primary combat school located on the island of Patch" for Signal, and "Vale's huntsman academy" for Beacon.
What does "Yang goes by many [Names]" have to do with anything?
This quiz could definitely be longer.
Fix all that and you'll have a pretty good quiz here.