Name the 21 countries that have the most species of birds, according to the BirdLife International checklist. Each correct answer will complete a portion of three bird images. Identify the three birds to complete the quiz.
Thanks for the kind comments! Just a little background... my quizzes are often inspired by books I've recently read or a subject that's grabbed my interest. In this case, I read a book called "Birding Without Borders." The author, Noah Strycker, traveled the world from January through December 2015 trying to identify as many birds as possible. He visited 41 countries across every continent (including Antarctica) and found 6,042 out of the 10,400 known species (which was a record at the time for a single year). For anyone interested in both geography and nature, it's a great read.
Choosing a source for this quiz was a challenge. There are many different ways to count species, so you'll find lots of variation among different lists. I chose BirdLife International, but you could also go with the Clements Checklist (popular in North America) or the IOC Checklist (popular outside North America). Interestingly, there is a current effort to consolidate the most popular checklists, and if that happens, I'll gladly update this quiz.
Wow! An other masterpiece by dug! That's always a pleasure to see you back again and again through years, bruing more new ideas each time. You are probably one of the users who enriched the most pur favorite website, and I'm sure and I hope it will continue for years and years.
Nomi... Wait, that's already featured? You have all my congratulations! That was completely deserved!
surprised CAR and Mozambique and esp. PNG not on the list, but i don't know a lot about birds, just thought those countries would prob. have more tropical forest than say panama etc
Biologically and geographically speaking, most islands would not have an extreme amount of diversity because any species that are on the island would have to individually evolve into their own species to increase diversity. The only reason Indonesia is on here is because it is made up of many large islands which have vastly different habitats, thus creating more species.
You do realize that some species of birds fly thousands of miles to migrate, and are not confined to any island. (I don't know about PNG specifically, other than that there are some species that migrate between PNG and Australia).
Great quiz! Thank you. I felt really good about myself when I got the last one with 10 seconds to go. Was quite a bit surprised though that Costa Rica wasn`t in the mix...
Thanks! Yes, gradients are easy to make in inkscape. I made a rectangle shape, selected "fill and stroke," and instead of choosing "flat color," select "linear gradient."
I can't reply to your pinned post directly but if you're interested in a brilliant documentary on the birds of Colombia, the #1 country on your list, then look for The Birders from Colombiatravel on youtube.
Great quiz! Looks like the US was left off the list, though. As of 2021, there are between 1125 and 1267 different species counted in the United States (depending on how you count)
Thanks! Choosing a source was a challenge. There are many different ways to count species, so you'll find lots of variation among different lists. I chose BirdLife International, but you could also go with the Clements Checklist (popular in North America) or the IOC Checklist (popular outside North America). Interestingly, there is a current effort to consolidate the most popular checklists, and if that happens, I'll gladly update this quiz.
That being said, the BirdLife list ranks the U.S. at #25, with 828 species. :)
I got two birds pretty quickly ( I think after 2 and 3 answers), the last one took a while, partly because I couldn't think of the english name of the bird I thought of. Got it in the end, well close enough to be accepted. Typed puffer fish first haha ( to get my memory going)
All the countries I missed were african, I did think of africa, but only typed countries from the top or bottom, for some reason not the middle part. (think I tried morocco, egypt, south africa, madagascar and maybe mozambique)> Ow wait I did get/think of congo though. And I see I missed panama too.
Also, happy 8th anniversary dug :D
Nomi... Wait, that's already featured? You have all my congratulations! That was completely deserved!
BTW, is it possible to create that gradient like background in Inkscape?
stay woke.
That being said, the BirdLife list ranks the U.S. at #25, with 828 species. :)
All the countries I missed were african, I did think of africa, but only typed countries from the top or bottom, for some reason not the middle part. (think I tried morocco, egypt, south africa, madagascar and maybe mozambique)> Ow wait I did get/think of congo though. And I see I missed panama too.
Tldr 7 wrong (6 african) but got all 3 birds