Name the 25 countries that have the most cathedrals (including Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, and other denominations). Each correct answer will complete a portion of the stained glass window.
These counts include both actual cathedrals and a few prominent churches from non-episcopal denominations commonly referred to as "cathedral."
Source. Manually counted. Data may not be 100% accurate.
Thanks to Stewart. He's been a huge help with SVG's.
I love the style, but allow me to complain just a tad if I may...
I was very surprised to find Ghana on the list, so I did some digging and they seem to be pretty liberal with the word "cathedral" - I checked out a few pictures and some of them look like the kind of small church you find in villages all over Europe.
Complaint over, it was a great quiz and I only missed one!
I was also surprised that Ghana made the list, but I did not go the extra mile and find pictures. Kudos. :) The source states that the list includes "a few prominent churches from non-episcopal denominations commonly referred to as 'cathedral.'" I suppose grandiose is in the eye of the beholder.
A cathedral is the seat of a bishop, it has nothing to do with the size of the building. Usually there is one cathedral per bishop. In Ghana however, there are apparently catholic bishops with two or more churches, called co-cathedrals, sharing the function of cathedral. So this might be why the number is higher than expected.
Yeah good point, I shouldn't have complained that they're not big enough to be cathedrals. So is it the case then that small churches that would be led by a priest in other countries are led by bishops in Ghana? Thereby automatically making them cathedrals? It's not really even a complaint, an interesting detail more than anything!
Kinda true, but don't forget India has the second highest population in the world, so 2 percent of that is still a lot. And their land surface is pretty big as well, so that might help as well. That's why Ghana was bigger surprise to me ;)
1.5 billion divided by 50 is 30 million - A decent sized country on its own. Just add the populations of Singapore and New York together and you can decide whether or not its a big number ;)
Thanks for the nomination! Yes, it would be nice for the answers to be in order from most cathedrals to least, but I have them in alphabetical order for the sake of the quiz takers. With a missing answer, it's helpful to see which section of the alphabet it comes from.
If only I had thought to scroll down to the revealed answers, I may have used this to find the two that I had missed. It just never occurred to me to look
Good quiz. Although I agree with @ReyFar because it is more helpful to know which of the bigger countries out of the way, I can't give much criticism. Amazing SVG!
It's not my call to make, of course, but I think there's a place for both. The linked quiz is specific to Roman Catholic cathedrals and has no svg. Also, lots of featured quizzes are variations on a similar theme. Example: 100 Biggest Cities on a World Map and All 3M Cities on a World Map.
So here's the deal... I care about accuracy, and I looked into this. Interestingly, the wikipedia list for the DRC cites the website you linked as its source. So I e-mailed that website to see if they could help clear up the discrepancy. We'll see if they respond. Stay tuned. :)
Absolutely amazing quiz!!! This is honestly probably one of the most creative quizzes I've ever come across over my 6 years on this site, which is really saying something!
Also, I'm quite shocked at how low Mexico is. Second largest Catholic country in the world (and third largest Christian) and yet they have less than a hundred? They only barely beat out Ukraine, which is significantly smaller by population and not really notable for its churches. Brazil has less than double Mexico's population but more than triple its number of cathedrals.
Good quiz, although I think this list is definitely biased in favour of countries that have a significant presence of both Catholics and Anglicans (and to a lesser extent Orthodox) over more homogeneous countries religion-wise.
I was almost stuck at 23. I entered Ghana as a bit of a joke, so I was very surprised. Then I discovered the other one that I almost missed was France...
I was very surprised to find Ghana on the list, so I did some digging and they seem to be pretty liberal with the word "cathedral" - I checked out a few pictures and some of them look like the kind of small church you find in villages all over Europe.
Complaint over, it was a great quiz and I only missed one!
(guess which...)
I also nominated you
Great quiz!
But I think you should sort by numbers,NOT a to z.
But I think you should sort by numbers,NOT a to z.
But I think you should sort by numbers,NOT a to z.