Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Transforms Link into a stone-eating humanoid | Goron Mask | 100%
Transforms Link into a fish-like humanoid | Zora Mask | 100%
Transforms Link into a wooden creature | Deku Mask | 95%
Summons Keatons | Keaton Mask | 85%
Transforms Link into a giant during the battle against Twinmold | Giant's Mask | 84%
Transforms Link into a powerful warrior | Fierce Deity Mask | 82%
Makes Link invisible to most enemies and characters | Stone Mask | 78%
Increases running speed, jumping distance, and agility | Bunny Hood | 77%
Characters will talk about Kafei | Kafei's Mask | 77%
Alerts to presence of (and attracts) stray fairies | Great Fairy Mask | 76%
Prevents Gibdo and ReDead attacks | Gibdo Mask | 75%
Allows entry into Ikana Canyon, attracts Garo Ninjas and prevents ReDead attacks | Garo's Mask | 74%
Keeps Link from falling asleep | All-Night Mask | 72%
Allows wearer to listen to Gossip Stones and the thoughts of animals | Mask of Truth | 72%
Enables Link to open mail boxes | Postman's Hat | 72%
Symbolizes ultimate love, stops long disputes among people | Couple's Mask | 69%
Remains of Snowhead Temple's boss | Goht's Remains | 62%
Detonates like a bomb | Blast Mask | 61%
Allows communication with frogs | Don Gero's Mask | 61%
Remains of Stone Tower Temple's boss | Twinmold's Remains | 61%
Grants access to the Milk Bar at night | Romani's Mask | 60%
Prevents Stalchildren and ReDead attacks | Captain's Hat | 58%
Remains of Great Bay Temple's boss | Gyorg's Remains | 58%
Plays music and prompts small animals to march | Bremen Mask | 57%
Remains of Woodfall Temple's boss | Odolwa's Remains | 57%
Enables Link to find mushrooms by smelling them | Mask of Scents | 55%
Calms angry people, prevents attack from Milk Road pursuers | Circus Leader's Mask | 48%
Allows wearer to dance | Kamaro's Mask | 47%
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