I feel like that constitutes an unusual feature, that's 191 countries which don't have a Southern Cross on their flag! I understand that 'unusual' is a subjective term however.
Interesting, Wikipedia has it down as pink (here), although describes the lion on the Coat of Arms as 'purpure'. The pink tone seems to be a point of contention in Spain, as it's not very faithful to the purple used historically by the Kingdom of León.
Love this quiz. Flags, especially the unusual ones, are so interesting. I read on here a while ago about Jamaica being the only flag without red or white or blue and even that fact alone is mind blowing. Thank you so much.
You might want to include Vanuatu with a boar's tusk in the flag, or the sacred structures in the flag of Cambodia or Mongolia. The flag of Grenada has a nutmeg in it. Also, you included flags with Latin inscriptions, but how about the ones with Arabic? So many possibilities still unused. :)
Long story short, I'll add it!
You might want to include Vanuatu with a boar's tusk in the flag, or the sacred structures in the flag of Cambodia or Mongolia. The flag of Grenada has a nutmeg in it. Also, you included flags with Latin inscriptions, but how about the ones with Arabic? So many possibilities still unused. :)
Fun quiz, thanks!