Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Killed Helena Ravenclaw | Bloody Baron | 85%
The great magical historian | Bathilda Bagshot | 83%
A witch with prodigious skill and no conscience | Bellatrix Lestrange | 76%
Also known as Witherwings | Buckbeak | 76%
Invented every flavor beans | Bertie Bott | 74%
Black-bodied, black-haired centaur | Bane | 73%
Codebreaker for Gringotts | Bill Weasley | 65%
Bartemius Crouch Jr. | 62%
| |
Both hated to see Death Eaters walk free, but for different reasons | Bartemius Crouch Sr. | 62%
Son of a legendarily beautiful witch widowed seven times | Blaise Zabini | 41%
Was very nosy, but had no brains, according to Sirius | Bertha Jorkins | 40%
Unmentionable strangled by Devil's Snare | Broderick Bode | 36%
Headed a magical law enforcement squad | Bob Ogden | 19%
Wizard in charge of used portkeys at the World Cup | Basil | 14%
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