Starting with the first game on the NES back in 1987, Final Fantasy has been the face of role playing video games. One of their lasting traits is to create a whole new world with all new characters with each numbered installment. We've compiled the playable, party characters from Final Fantasy's I through X, XII, XIII and XV and put them all in one giant quiz. Can you name them all?
Temporary/guest party characters, like Bannon from FFVI and Seifer from FFVIII are not included, as they were never full fledged, recruitable members of their games respective parties. In the case of Final Fantasy I, the characters had no names and are known by their job title. Only the first names are needed, though surnames can be accepted too. To that end, the original Final Fantasy III characters are named based on the Nintendo DS remake.
To avoid confusion, the games are numbered by their original, Japanese release numbers. So, II and III are the NES games that didn't get released stateside until much later, and IV and VI are what were known as II and III on the SNES in North America and PAL regions.
Non-numbered games, like Tactics, Mystic Quest, Adventure, the Legends series and sequels to the numbered games are not included. The numbered MMO games (XI and XIV) are also not included.