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A type of popular Japanese drama based on popular legends and myths
Characteristic of the style, tone and attitudes of the writer of Metamorphosis (1883-1924)
Denotes a sense of movement or muscular effort. A sense of movement and effort is inherent in the rhythm, momentum and energy of words in such an image
Kinaesthetic Image
A term which applies to plays which showed aspects of working class life in the 1950s. It derives from the fact that play centred, metaphorically on a certain household appliance
Kitchen-sink drama
A pejorative term for art objects which are gaudy, sentimental and often mass-produced for mass consumption. Literally meaning in German 'to throw together'
In classical Greek drama, a type of lyric in dialogue form sung by the Chorus to express profound emotion
A novel which has an artist (in any art) as the central character and which shows their deveopment from childhood to maturity and later