Question | Answer | % Correct |
Antipathy (noun) (an - tih - path - ee) | A feeling of being against something | 94%
Postbellum (adjective) (post - bell - um) | To describe an event after a war | 94%
Disreputable (adjective) (dis - rep - yew - tah - bul) | Not respectable | 91%
Foresight (noun) (4 - sight) | The ability to predict what will happen in the future | 91%
Misconstrue (verb) (mis - con - stroo) | To interpret someone's words wrongly | 91%
Transgress (verb) (trans - gress) | To cross the line beyond what is legal | 88%
Predestined (adjective) (pree - dess - tind) | Definitely going to happen, decided by fate | 85%
Superfluous (adjective) (soo - per - floo - us) | When someone gives much more detail than needed | 82%
Malefactor (noun) (mal - fact - or) | A bad guy, a villain | 79%
Interpolate (adjective) (in - ter - poe - layte) | To put something between something else | 64%
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